Thanks for sticking with me in my quilt making. I have finished piecing the quilt top and I am now ready to layer it with wadding and backing and start the actual quilting.
Quilt top
I ended up adding some extra paint to the motifs as I felt the new print block I had made (below) looked a bit too much like a Christmas decoration. It was a bit laborious but worth it, as the little antler shapes were bugging me. After all the effort I had put into the design I knew if would really annoy me if I did not tweak them. The difference is slight but is more like my original idea.
I have been exploring the photographs I took at the Luton Hoo walled garden when I had an artist's pass. The scheme is still going, but I do have a lot of photographs so haven't renewed my subscription. There are a selection on my Flickr site if you're interested. There is so much of interest there and I hope to be able to use the inspiration for some future textile work.
These are studies of old finial posts that had been saved, but what really fascinates me is the fig trees that are trained up against the wall in the old glasshouses.
I've been playing with the levels on some of pictures.
Winter figs
Spring figs
And just to finish, another page from my sketchbook.
I'm looking forward to a couple of days workshop with Ruth Issett, so I'm not sure I'll get much quilting done!
Hope you have a good week.