Wednesday, 3 February 2010

New Project

Well not quite - it is something I started last year. You may remember the photographs I took at the Walled Garden in Luton Hoo. I have them blu-tacked to my study door and I keep thinking I must do something with them. Then one night whilst listening to the shipping forecast, trying to get to sleep - I had the idea of making a special Walled Garden Journal. So at the next opportunity I visited my nearest vendor of the wonderful Pink Pig books and bought an A3 size - still a bargain (can't remember the exact price). The A4 aren't large enough for a large print. Anyway I have experimented with transferring some images using PVA Marvin Medium and Golden matte Gel plus some or my usual paint and collage work and here is the result.
Fanlight, bricks and monogram are from my photos but I found the portraits of Lady Alice and Sir Julius Wernher on the web. It is their initials in the monogram and they restored the garden in the Edwardian period and had the amazing conservatory built. I now hope this inspires me to get back to the garden to take some more photographs and maybe do some sketching. You can see my photographs here.
 I can now see from the photograph that the monograph is not quite central or straight! How annoying. This was a transfer and stuck face down with a lot of glue - that's my excuse, but annoying all the same.
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