Thursday, 29 September 2011

Norfolk Pages

Here are the pages I started when away in Norfolk.  A brilliant addition to my tool kit has been a reservoir brush (also called a waterbrush).  This means I can do water colours sitting in an arm chair! A perfect companion to my ancient watercolour box which was my Dad's. The brush will clean with a few wipes on a paper towel so is ready for a new colour. No good for sweeping washes, but perfect for what I wanted.

I painted the shell whilst away, but added the photo montage and tracing paper seaweed back home.

Freehand copy of Cromer church window (photograph) done with the reservoir brush - not sure how I will develop this yet.  I have to give credit to my Design Matters Creative Sketchbook course for inspiring me with the cut out and adding a page.


  1. Beautiful little pieces of treasure of your holiday!Lovely use of colour too,
    joZarty x

  2. These are just so good! I love the compositions

  3. These are lovely - and I'm fascinated as to what a reservior brush is (off to google it now) :)

  4. Such gorgeous pages and stunning colours xx

  5. Beautiful work, the conker really pops out of the page it is so realistic.

  6. glad you had a great trip. I love the sketches - eyepopping! I must get on with my Kemshall course - I think I need to do it whilst the kids are doing THEIR homework... x

  7. Lovely Jill, especially the cut out pages. Sounds like the sketchbooks course has gven you the buzz you wanted. Those conkers really do say 'autumn' don't they?

  8. gorgeous work - I too love my water brushes they make life sooo much easier, I love your Church window picture - utterly gorgeous!

  9. Wonderful work Jill - I am looking forward to more of this. I love how you use the space on the page.

  10. so jealous you can draw and paint, I really love your art

  11. Love your Norfolk pages esp your sketches and paintings of autumn conkers!! lovely

  12. Fantastic pages.....especially the big conker at the top....its so shiny and life-like (not easy to achieve, I'm sure).


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