Sunday, 25 September 2011

Home again,

I've just got back from a short break in Norfolk. I took my camera and a few arty bits and my art journal. Where we stayed was close to footpaths bordering fields so easy to lose yourself in the sound of rustling leaves - nearly as good as the sound of waves for restoring the spirits. The first day we visited old friends who we haven't seen for many years - we couldn't quite work out how many! After a lovely pub lunch Laurence took us for a walk with his two dogs - Ali had to spend the afternoon preparing lessons - on her day off.

It is really difficult taking photos whilst in charge of a charging spaniel you don't know!
Meanwhile Mr T and his old college pal make up for a few years' news.

The weather was a rather overcast, but there were patches of blue.

Where we were walking was a newly planted woodland with lots of native tree species . Everything seemed to be laden with fruit.

The next day we headed for the coast and Cromer was the closest spot. It is many, many years since I have been to Cromer, and mainly just passed through it on my childhood holidays.

It has the air of a slightly run-down sea-side town. but that is part of its charm.  This was obviously once a much more salubrious parade of shops with its white tiled front.

Despite the sign in the window this shop was shut!

Another rather rundown building, but looking as if it had plenty of history.

The pier however was lickety-spit and topping the bill were The Barron Knights (You don't have to own up if you remember them).  Although it was overcast it was very mild and we enjoyed watching this little chap have a paddle.

We enjoyed lunch in a teashop opposite the Church.


I was rather struck by this reflection of the church windows in a mirror on the back wall.
After toasted sandwiches and tea the sun came out and we drove down the coast to Mundesley.
How perfect was this?

I couldn't wait to get down on the sand.

I took lots of pictures of the weather front as it moved south leaving us with a beautiful blue sky.

I love the butterscotch coloured waves and could easily have sat for an hour just listening to them.

Mr T likes to keep moving, but he enjoyed a bit of beach combing, but there weren't many pickings today.

The break-waters or are they groynes - I don't know the difference, are always fascinating...

and a good source of a bit of rusty corrosion.

On the way back to the car we dropped in to what must be one of the smallest museums around.  Upstairs was the coastguard station.  Well worth a £1.
We spent our third day in Norwich. I didn't take my DSLR camera as it is a bit heavy, but did have my 'point and shoot' in my bag.  However I didn't take any pictures!
I'll share my journal pages later.

Back to reality now, I hope to catch up with you all soon.  Meanwhile how can four nights away generate so much washing!!
Have a good week,


  1. Thanks for sharing your break .... we passed through Cromer a few years back and as you say it is a little run down but still has its charm .... aren't those old corner buildings magnificent. I will own up to remembering the Barron Knights .... they hail from Leighton Buzzard I think so not too far away from us. Love your new header x

  2. great photos especially of the buildings ....x

  3. Wonderful narrow blue building & reflections oh & the rust!

    Enjoyed catching up with the other posts I've 'missed' - how did your pretty decorations go? I had 25 looking stunning on a tree last yr & only sold 1!

  4. Looks like you had a good time with your friends. Lovely photos and I especially liked the umbelliferous plants against the sky (of course!)

    How did your exhibition go - I missed that post last week? Lovely crafties you took with you.

  5. I made a few sales - not really the right venue, but enough to have made it worth going out. Thanks

  6. ooooo brings back memories, some friends of ours had a cottage in Sheringham and they never used it, we were the only ones who did, so we were disappointed when they sold it. It's a beautiful part of the world and your photos are lovely.

  7. Jill,
    I'll own up to remembering the Barron Knights but can't recall a single hit. I remember they did a lot of impressions .... I think!Having just had our own break I can sympathise with the washing load. I'm still trying to get back to normal but you'll get there. Love that corrosion photo. Lots of inspiration in these shots for journal pages so look forward to seeing them and glad you had a good break.

  8. Lovely photos - you have such a great eye for a great picture :-)
    I had to laugh at the dog on a lead in the photo. I tried blackberry picking while trying to hold on to my friend's spaniel puppy. No chance!
    Looking forward to seeing your journal pages :-)

  9. Pleased you had a good time! We're shortly off to Scotland - hope it doesn't rain!

  10. Fabulous nostalgic pics of what looks an amazing trip. Love especially, the corrosion in blue and rust, it's a gem of a photo.

  11. Great to see you back Jill. It looks like you had a great time. My favourite picture is the tea cosy - I like my tea! I'm looking forward to your journal pages.

  12. The Barron Knights... my that brings back a few memories!! Get down Shep!

  13. Looks and sounds like the most perfect of little breaks. Love the description of "butterscotch coloured waves"......... and the photos that accompanied them. Thanks for your comment re fractals - I am totally hooked.


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