Sunday, 15 May 2011

A quick up date

I have half an hour or so before I concentrate on cooking a roast (we always eat in the evening otherwise I fall asleep for the afternoon) so I will write a quick post.  It has been another busy week with visits to in-laws, a few hours working with Sally on our Open Studio invitations, and a long session at the hairdressers. Not to mention getting the latest Postman's Knock postcard finished off.
Sue's theme was "Rust" and my immediate reaction when I got the list was that I wanted to refer to Neil Young's album "Rust Never Sleeps". I had the idea of staining those word in rust onto a piece of calico. I twisted some florists wire into the words - I knew this does go rusty - eventually - as I have used it in my Chrismas wreath, however six weeks in the damp had no effect. To encourage a rusty effect I popped a couple of pieces of rusty iron in the bag which had the desired effect of staining the cloth, but the wire remained stubbornly rust free. Never mind, this gave me the excuse to do a bit of hand embellishment which I always enjoy. Not what I envisaged, but I think it worked in the end.

The card I received from Cathy is a real peach.  My theme is 'Windows' and of course Cathy was able to find an original angle.  Not only the idea that the eyes are the windows of the soul, but also that we might like to feast our eyes by looking out of a window...

Do check here to see what she had in mind.

Otherwise I have mounted my needlefelt pictures to make cards...

...started to print out photographs and mount them onto cards...

... made a pile of triangles from melted plastic bags and wraps to make bunting ...

... and prepared a pile of invites ready for mailing.

This is really so much more fun than working for a living.  However we shall have to make lots of sales just to recoup our expenses, let alone make a profit.  I count myself very lucky that I can afford to do this.

If you live in my area and I already have your address, you may well have an envelope in this pile, otherwise if you think you might be in Luton on June 11th, 15th,18th, 22nd or 25th, and would like to call in, please contact me via my Profile link and I will e mail you details.
You can view Sally's work here .

I seem to have missed lots of your post lately, I try to find some time to read what you have been doing and comment as there are so many inspiring ideas out there. Do have a good week.


  1. You sound very busy. Lovely bunting and your photographic cards look great. Enjoyed the You Tube link too. You seem very organized for your open studios, way ahead of me and they start next weekend here.

  2. You have been busy, love your photos on the cards, bet they do really well, the bunting looks awesome and I hope everything goes well in June xx

  3. I'd love to have details of the Open Studio event Jill ... you have been a busy bee and I love the bunting x

  4. Well done - I like the bunting idea - can you tell us how you did that? I often sew and burn my cooking at the moment! I had some courgettes in the Aga once for three weeks!!

  5. Oh wow, you have been busy. As usual you show us such a variety of creations! I love your bunting :-)

  6. Lots of lovely organisation! Love the bunting, I'm thinking of a banner of some sort for my show - it may well have a bit of plastic in it!

  7. What an amazing amount of work! All great!

  8. Another thumbs up for the bunting from over here.... brilliant stuff.

  9. I am smitten with the colourful header Jill. Is it new or am I just late in noticing? You seem to be cramming lots in.... but loving every minute of it too which is great. I've just started to get my head around 'windows' today. I know it's a few postings away for me but I need a long gestation period for my ideas! Have a great week. Lesley x

  10. Oh! I wish I could come by your open studios. I do hope it goes well Jill. I am sure you will get some fine feedback and hope you sell some things to make it even more worthwhile. Hugs to you and thank you for always dropping my blog even though I have been terrible at getting around everyone's lately. You are "fabulous"

    Hugs and good luck!


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