Sunday, 8 May 2011

Busy, busy, busy...

Another busy week - although sometimes I think one half of the time I create a mess, and the other half I clear it up.  I have spent time finishing off and sorting things for the Open Studio event.  I haven't made much of a photographic record of my progress to share with you.  I had to repackage some items that had been in my Etsy shop as I have changed my e mail address since I started it, a rather tedious chore.
When I go to 'Nutty Knitters' I don't knit, but I do do a bit of needle felting.  I now have a good collection of little pictures ready to be made into greetings cards. I have been adding some beads to them this week.

I have also got some felt flowers that need finishing and making into brooches.
I realise that I have rather a lot of items - so I hope that my friend doesn't feel overwhelmed in her own studio!  I also hope that those of you who live in the area will be able to visit.  It would be lovely to meet you.  More details nearer the time. 
I have also been working on a couple of postcards for 'Postman's Knock' I like to be prepared, but inevitably there will be a last minute rush to finish them off  before posting. (No previews of those allowed).

In between times I have done a bit of gardening and was thrilled to hear the swifts screaming.  I have been out every morning scouring the sky as last year I first spotted them on the 1st of May, this year it was the 6th. So that's pretty close timing.
Mr T was clearing an overgrown area in the veggie patch and realized he had disturbed a colony of bumble bees.  We left them to settle down and then marked off the area to make sure we didn't disturb them again.  I am pretty sure they are Early Bumble Bees (Bombus pratorum). The workers vary in size a lot and some of them are really small.  I sat and hung over the nest with my camera - no prize winning shots I'm afraid, but at least it helped me identify them.

If you want to click on the picture you will get a better view. This little worker was fanning her wings to circulate air in the next.  Her thorax is quite bald and shiny and if I zoom in I can see my outline refected in it!!

This worker is returning with loaded pollen sacks.

The nest is just flat on the ground at the bottom of a rockery wall.  It is made of tiny bits of dead grass and even tiny snail shells.  I presume the bees must have collected all the bits together.

I was a bit worried about them after the heavy shower we had early this morning, but they were busy as usual.
Well I suppose I had better go and clear up the mess I made earlier and then find the brooch pins.
Do have a good week,


  1. Love the little felt pictures Jill. Very pretty. I'm rather a messy worker too, and you've reminded me that I really must stop messing about with pictures now and do some tidying up!

  2. Pretty felted pictures. I think I know what you mean about half the time creating and half tidying up. Good luck with all the preparations for Open Studios.

  3. I spend far more time making a mess and tidying up than I do creating anything worthwhile - guess it's all part of the process?!

  4. What lovely work. I found your bee's nest fascinating. I've never seen one before.

  5. Your neddle felted pieces are really lovely

  6. Wow ! A patchwork of little felted squares, with hearts and flowers and all the things I love. Beautiful. I had a go at felting once ... I was rubbish! Lovely blog!

  7. Love the needlefelting, good luck with the open studios.I was so glad the have the swallows back a couple of weeks ago & the skylark too. Company while sorting out the garden!

  8. Oooo! The tiny flowers are remarkable and unique. Such fine work. It was also fascinating to see the bees' home and the little insects working away.

  9. As productive as ever! You are indefatigable and make me feel very lazy. Lovely cards from the needlefelting will undoubtedly ensue. I must crack on with PK this week. Thanks for the nudge. Lesley x

  10. The needlefelting is good! How to be busier than ever - just retire!

  11. I'm good at making mess too - it's the clearing up that's the problem!

    I love what you do with needle felting. Almost makes me want to break the habit of a lifetime and pick up a needle!

  12. How lovely to find a bees' nest - we have bee boxes ut so far nothings used them. The needle felting is very pretty, I'm sure the cards will be super. This fortnight's PK card has been causing me problems but is now finished (unless it falls apart by Friday), I don't dare do more than one at a time as I had to scrap one when another person had the same idea!

  13. Beautiful felting Jill. Found myself clicking for a closer look at your bee photos. They are fascinating! The old postcards come around a bit quick, don't they? My turn to do one for you this week. :O)))))))

  14. Love your little needlefelt pieces Jill :-)
    Anne xx

  15. your felt pieces are so gorgeous Jill. Please keep me posted about the open studios - I would certainly try to come if I'm around then.

  16. Your needlefelted pieces look so lovely together like that - I thought it was a hanging at first.

    Looks like you and me have both been studying nature ;-)

  17. e used to have a swifts nest under the eaves every year, then my husband painted around it and they never came back. I miss them, but we have blue tits and goldfinch occasionally .
    I love your little felted knitted pieces. What a good idea.


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