Things have been eventful so I thought I'd keep you up to date. Mr T had a bit of a set back yesterday as he has developed an infection, which could mean another op. So today I have been touching wood and keeping my fingers crossed. I have been looking for good luck signs all day - they opened a check-out at the supermarket and I was first in the queue, three green lights in a row, saw two robins and it rained enough to make watering veg unnecessary but I was cursing myself for looking forward to a few days to myself. When I saw him today he was up and smiling - pumped full of antibiotics. The infection was no worse so every bit of my will power is on overtime hoping that tomorrow it is on the retreat.
I have been stitching nearly all day- and hopefully will have a few things to share with you soon. I'm lunching with friends tomorrow so that will be good. Life always seems in suspension when you are waiting for hospital visiting time to come round.