Saturday, 8 May 2010

That's nice!

 Happy Birthday Dad!
Here he is with Mr T enjoying a bit of April sunshine. I took this a couple of years ago on a visit to the Isle of Wight where he lives near my sister. We are at Bembridge.

 I am sure he won't mind me saying he is 88 today. Sadly I won't be seeing him for a while.

And talking of the Isle of Wight, any of you who are members of English Heritage will be getting this magazine this month

and if you look o  page 34 you will see a feature on Osborne House, which is on the IoW

and who do you think took the picture of the Glasshouse at the bottom right? Yes you've guessed - ME

Here's the original on Fickr which is how they found me. I had an e mail from the picture editor a couple of months ago asking permission to use this image. No fee, but I get a credit in the margin opposite. I guess they rely on people like me feeling flattered at being asked - no matter I am flattered. By the way, if you ever are on the Isle of Wight, Osborne house is well worth a visit.


  1. Oh Congratulations! It's exciting having a piece of work featured in a publication, isn't it? That's a lovely photo - no wonder they wanted to use it. Another Claim To Fame for Jill!

    I hope your dad has had a lovely birthday.

  2. That top photo is just lovely.


    Hope you dad has a wonderful day.

  3. Jill I'm jumping with excitement for you! How thrilling that you are a featured photographer!
    We are EH members so I'm going to be showing Andy this article and pointing out the picture that was taken by a bloggy friend of mine!

  4. Well done Jill. Those mags are working already!

  5. Happy birthday to your dad. I like the photo of him even more that the one that was published. You have a wonderful eye for a good picture.

  6. Well done for getting your picture in the mag - it's very good and I can see why they chose it. I would love to get to IOW and Osborne some time soonish.

    And a very happy birthday and many happy returns to your Dad.

  7. Happy Birthday to your Dad, Jill and congratulations on having your stunning photograph selected. Lesley

  8. One of the things I love about flikr is that publishers use it to find images - what a thrill.

    The photo at the top is wonderful, such a feeling of real people

  9. Happy birthday to your Dad. you certainly take a good photo. Congratulations on having your beautiful photo published.
    Pat xx

  10. Wonderful - congratulations!

  11. Hope Dad had a great birthday. I've never been to the Isle of Wight I'm ashamed to say, yet I've long been fascinated by that other famous female photographer, Julia Margaret Cameron and would love to see where she lived and worked. The glasshouse photos is so good, I'm not surprised they approached you. Hope you are enjoying the weekend sunshine! Lesley x

  12. How wonderful that they used your photo. I haven't been to Osborne house since the early 1970's, but only this week I came across the brochure I bought of Osboune House when I visited as a 10 year old as I'm clearing out my loft space! What a coincidence!

    Hope you have a lovely week ahead
    Carolyn ♥


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