Monday, 10 May 2010

Come into My Garden

I thought I'd show you what I had been doing in the "Come into my Garden" book I had started at the Frances Pickering workshop, just to show I am not a total flipperty-jibbert and can see an idea through (that is my image of myself, not yours, by-the-way. Well it might be, but you are too polite to say so) .

This double page spread with the little half page, uses one of the vintage  flower labels my sister gave me.

I have been collecting garden and flower quotations.
The flowers are all mine, but the butterflies are customised scanned images from a chart.
I was a bit disappointed with the book to begin with, but it is beginning to take on some character now. I may well add a bit more to some of the pages.

The sun was out this morning so I managed to cut the grass and do a bit of tidying up in the garden, so much nicer than housework!
Hope your week is going well, Jill


  1. It's really lovely Jill. Let the housework go hang - it's much more interesting to do some crating and gardening and who ever said at the end of their life "I wish I'd done more housework"?!!

    I feel inspiration coming over me having seen this so once I have read my library books and know a bit more who knows?!!


  2. I LOVE your book. It's truly lovely. Keep hoping to find time to try something like it, but truthfully am trying to spend every spare minute outside now. perhaps I should just start a a "to do" list for November.

    And I just noticed your slideshow. That's neat!

  3. The book's lovely, so bright and pretty, with so many interesting textures.

    I agree with you Jill, tidying the garden on a sunny day is so much more enjoyable than tidying the house! Bfn, Lesley

  4. It's beautiful Jill ... the colours and words come together to make a really cheerful book. x

  5. Not only will you have a treasure when you finish but you will have learned so much. Nice work.

  6. Jill,
    This is beautiful. I love the cover and the best thing is that it is has your 'hand' in it rather than being all scanned images - which would be my limit I'm afraid . It's going to be very special when it's finished - and so much nicer to do than the housework! Lesley

  7. Absolutely beautiful! I just LOVE the cheery, bright colours.......

    I also love the "flipperty-jibbert" reference... lovely playful words and I found myself putting them together like this: "Flippery-Jibbert and Jezebel..."


  8. Thanks for your lovely comment & welcome to my blog! I remember coming across your walled garden journal & loved it. As for your garden book, it's gorgeous! Imagine getting to do a workshop with FP! I WILL make a book of my garden!!!

  9. I can't think why you'd be disappointed with it, I think it's incredible.

    Have a lovely day
    Kate x

  10. Thank you for the kind comments that you left on my blog. Your garden book is beautiful. I love all the vibrant colours that you have used.

  11. I ove the garden book - is it a fabric cover and paper pages?

  12. I love this garden book !
    Beautiful colors .
    love ♥RINI♥


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