Friday, 1 January 2010

Happy New Year

I had a wonderful New Year, and promised I would post some pictures today. I hope you all had an excellent time too. John and Trish had 16 guests for a true feast - sitting us all was their first triumph.

The meal started with Goran's Swedish fish soup - apparently he had a bit of a search to find saffron in Tesco's...

In between each course we sang a little Swedish snaps song...

most of us had no idea what we were singing which I think was probably a good thing! Skol!!
Next came a chicken curry provided by Viv and then Rustan's Swedish meatballs, brown sauce and cranberries (Linden berries left in fridge in Sweden) delicious...

most of us were too full up by now to try Trish's Caribbean sweet potatoes, so time to clear the tables

(That's Mr T in the specs)
But we had to find room for dessert...

After the meal and greeting the new year, it was necessary to stand up for a while!!

A big thanks to John and Trish and for any in the gang there are more photos on flickr, click on the link on the side bar.

Here's to 2010


  1. Looks and sounds as though you had a fantastic New Year with superb food. Happy New Year to you all. Annx

  2. Hej, Jill! What a fantastic pictures!!!!!!! They are so sharp and bright, lovely! And what a evening! I think everyone had a great time! Credits to Trish and John! But it was my meatballs not Gorans, he had the amazing fishsoup! Have a great new year and regards to Tod! Cheers!

  3. Oh no - I knew that too I will corrected it now!!
    Happy new year Rustan!

  4. Wow, what a feast. I feel full just thinking about it! A few weeks ago I went to IKEA in MK two days on the trot for their meatballs!

    After reading your comment, I thought I would add the receipe for my (correctly assumed) hot and and spicy peppers. A good thought of yours there - yes, 2010 will definitely have to be hot and spicy!


  5. Happy New Year Jill, looks like you had an international feast! Spending the evening with good friends with good food - a great way to bring in the New Year! x x

  6. Hi Jill, great to see you brought in the New Year with such style. Here's hoping you have a wonderful 2010 and I look forward to blogging with you some more!

    Kate x

  7. Jill,
    You certainly brought the New Year in with a feast and a half. Looks like a good time was had by all and what could be better than a night spent with good friends. Happy New Year. Lesley

  8. Hi Jill,
    Looks like you had a fab new year! Thanks for popping into my blog. I too am looking forward to blogging for a whole year.............
    Lesley x

  9. Wow! I feel full up just looking at that lovely dinner. Sounds like a wonderful way to bring in the New Year!

  10. First time to your Blog Jill and I enjoyed reading about your celebrations. May 2010 bring you all that enriches your life.


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