Sunday, 27 December 2009

Calendar Challenge

"We will open the book. Its pages are blank.
We are going to put words on them ourselves.
The book is called Opportunity and its 
first chapter is New Year's Day"
Edith Lovejoy Pierce

When I posted my art calendar at the beginning of the month a lot of you expressed an interest in having a go and Kate over on The Kathryn Wheel is throwing down a 365 day challenge. I am more modest and propose a month at a time  as sometimes I find making a long commitment off-putting. But either way, please join in, make a January calendar and post a link here or with Kate - she'll be posting soon. Here is how I do it, but really anything goes. I fill mine in retrospectively, sometimes several days at a time, and with just a doodle or a rubber stamp, so it need not take up much time. I use a double page spread in an A4 'portrait' spiral bound sketchbook. I use a pink pig as they are cheap and sturdy.

Then I decide on a background

I often use a layer of gesso first as I like the texture it gives. For January I wanted that watery sun look, so I started with a pale yellow and then rubbed  a blue colour from a water soluble crayon and added some torn images of bare trees.  For this project I printed the month, year and days of the week rather than writing them.

I cut out 31 4cm x4cm squares - sometimes in just white, sometimes from off-cuts from other projects and work out how I am going to arrange them. Don't forget the 1st of January is on a Friday.

I decided each week would start with Monday so had to rearrange the squares.

When I am happy I stick everything down and add a few embellishments - here I have a couple of January quotes. If you click on the pictures you should get a large images so you can see the details.  Have a go and have fun.  I would say that one of the liberating things I have taken on board in keeping an art journal is that anything goes-embrace any mistakes and incorporate them into the work. There are lots of different calendars here on this flickr page - good luck.

January opens 
The box of the year
And brings out days
That are bright and clear
And brings out days
That are cold and grey
And shouts, "Come see
What I brought today"

Leland B. Jacobs 'January'

Link to last month's diary here.  And older ones here .


  1. Well I have just come home from the Paperchase sale - so I now know what I need to do with my new spiral bound book. Not sure I'm up to the 365 day challenge but would like to do this!
    Thanks Jill!

  2. Oooh lovely calendar page, and great quotes. I'm already for January!!

  3. Looks like I'd better get moving to be ready for January!! I fancied making a book with enough pages for the year and have been playing around in my head with some designs. Hmm, maybe I'll just use my bind it all or a pink pig! Might be quicker :)

  4. your monthly art pages are super! i just love the idea of having a colorful little box to fill in every day. happy holidays to you and your family!

  5. I had a quiet Christmas just my husband, dogs and myself until Boxing day when my 2 grand-daughters arrived. Hope your Christmas was a peaceful one.
    I am already for January, I finished preparing my double page layout in my PINK PIG spiral bound book, last night. I am now going to decorate the front cover and an inside page saying who the book belongs to. I just love it and it really gives you something to aim for.

  6. I prepared my double pages in my pink pig book too.... I decided to start with colour that I love, because I find January a time of opportunity, excitement, new challenges, lots of new ideas running around in my head, a time when I feel energised and so I used purple as the background, and have cut out squares in a bright blue because I love the contrast. I am now going to use different fonts for the month, and year numbers. Can't decide whether or not to have a 'theme'... like a gratitude journal, every day write down on the card something I am grateful for. It doesn't matter if there are lots the same, where's the harm in reaffirming those good things in your life? It will have doodles... embellishments. And if none of you have found a fab book called JOURNAL BLISS by Violette, do have a look, and at her website which I found so inspiring.

  7. I shall look forward to seeing the results of these. Shant participate myself as I am far too much of a butterfly mind! :O).

    What a lovey thing it will be to look back on.

  8. I like this idea and may give it a go. You've been reading that my Muse is bored and wants to dive into some creativity so this seems the perfect starter!

  9. I am loving this idea - keeping it as part of my art journal and thanks for stopping by my blog...x

  10. wow! this project sounds perfect to me. I have been wanting to try art journaling for a while now & santa brought me Journal Bliss for Christmas. Just a shame pink pig is closed till about the 4th! Your pages all look inspiring. Good luck.xx

  11. Hi Jill, I'm excited about this calendar art journal and think its a wonderful idea, combining art in a diary form! I've signed up to Kate's 365 day challenge and I hope I can keep to it - I'll certainly try! Yours looks more relaxed, I like that you do it retrospectively and love the step by step of how you go about building yours.
    Sandra x

  12. Great collage and I like the January poem!
    Have a great, artful year 2010 full of light, love and inspirations, all the Best from LaWendula

  13. Happy new year. Your calendar looks wonderful.

  14. I love your page for January....cant wait to see it finished, what a great idea! Im attracted to working in a small area but doing a little everyday is brill.

  15. I love this idea. I've looked at Kathryn's as well and to be honest I cannot tell how either suggestion is different. Perhaps I'm being very thick!

  16. Thanks for the reply to my queston. I am joining in, and my January page is here:

  17. Hello, from a fellow Bedfordian! Glad to have found your blog - and an inspiring idea for the year! I think I will "have to" do this!
    Thanks for sharing!


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