Wednesday, 29 July 2009

OCA: Landscape portfolio

Here are the three photographs I have selected for my portfolio to represent spring - winter is on a previous blog. Any constructive critisism gratefully received.

The robin


Tunnel of leaves

I hope that these photographs convey a graphic quality as well as illustrating the season.
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  1. I think you certainly have a graphic quality with "Bluebells" and "Tunnel of leaves". Of the set I think "The Robin" works best, the tree buds clearly indicating spring. The "Bluebells" image looks a little soft to me, I would have hoped to see the Bluebells looking a little more 'crisp' but I know these dark woodland situations can be tricky. I am not sure with "Tunnel of Leaves" that it pins down spring, it could also be a summer image.

  2. I think all three are good graphic images Jill. Personally I would consider cropping the robin image, as I think the dark tangle of lower branches adds little and distracts from the main focus. A square crop with just robin, buds/ upper branches, and sky might be worth trying. I really like the lines and light in the bluebell image. I also like the tunnel - I think te light and the bright intense green give an impression of spring. Both these images do look a little soft but that may just be to do with how they've been saved for the web. Even if there are technical issues with the prints I think they are still successful in capturing atmposphere and as compositions.

  3. The robin is definitely now on the maybe list - as someone commented on my flickr page, my feelings about the image overwhelmed the quality of the shot.

  4. I would resist any temptation to crop down the robin image too much. One of the things I liked about it was that the robin appeared small which is exactly what they are.

  5. Beautiful work! I especially like the bluebells, the oblique shaft of light and the tall pines really evoke a spring walk in the forest.


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