Monday, 27 July 2009

Final Portfolio Selection

I am making my selection for the Landscape final portfolio. The brief is to select 12 photographs to depict the four seasons - three for each. You are told to "consider the way adjacent images inter-relate and variations in size, format, content and tone so as to vary pace and avoid repetition! However at the same time, "the theme and your style should unite the separate images" Although this seems simple enough I am having a real struggle making a selection. I guess my overall style is that I like to look for a graphic element, I hope that is enough. Here is my Winter selection so far. Any comment gratefull received.

Misty Hillside - the intersection of the hedgerows caught my attention here

Snowy Fields - the snow has brought out the lines of the hedges and I especially liked the graphic nature of the lines in the winter wheat.

Winter Beeches - here it is the strong verticals intercut by the horizanals - all emphasised by the snow.
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  1. I sometimes think making these selections is much harder than taking the actual images in the first place!
    These three seem to work as a group and of the three I like "Winter Beeches" best, I think using the snow to highlight the horizontals with otherwise vertical content has worked well.
    I like the idea of the snowy fields, the lines of hedges look good in the snow but for me the middle area is somewhat dark. I wonder how this would look if you tried a vertical crop through the centre of the image?
    With "Misty Hillside" my concern would be that it may be a fraction too misty with the hedgerow intersection a little lost. Its a nice image so may be worth playing around in Photoshop.

  2. Thanks for the constructive comments Duncan.

  3. I like the way the lines in 'Snowy fields' leads your eye into the photograph, but my favourite is 'Winter Beeches'.


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