Sunday, 6 December 2015

Nearly November… No Nearly 2016!!!

I started this post way back in November when I was doing a lot of 'thinking'.  I am committed to take part in two exhibitions next year and I like to take my time, considering my options and then ideas seem to come in a rush.  Firstly I am part of our local Embroiders' Guild group creating work to celebrate "Capability" Lancelot Brown's tricentenary next year. The Embroiders' Guild has join up with the National Trust and English Heritage to stage exhibitions and events across the country in many of the great houses who employed this man to landscape their estates I am working from Ashridge Estate in Hertfordshire where he landscaped the "Golden Valley"… and secondly I have joined another group exhibiting next October in Hertford. More on that another time.

I used to visit Ashridge a lot at one period of my life and had no idea of its history. In fact the main forested area was a deer park dating back to pre-tudor times.  Brown didn't do a lot there, but it is part of the beautiful Chiltern landscape which I have photographed a lot. As an extra to my Brown piece I have been working on some small collages in my sketchbook and some samples.  This turned into creating miniature landscapes which I have pieced together, my Chiltern Ninepatch.

Work in Progress:
"Chiltern Ninepatch"



Patch rehearsal

Stage 1

Stage 2 

Now do I add more embellishments and then make it into a hanging or a cushion cover?

The Chilterns around Luton.

I'm going to publish now - trying to keep in brief and trying to post more often. 
My end of year resolution.


  1. So lovely to read a post from you Jill and to see you're still loving your textile work. I love your measured approach to the task at hand and the results are stunning. Love the sketchbook image. Reminds me of the collage work of Helen Hallows who is worth checking out. Whatever you decide to do next with the samples will no doubt be the right choice. Keep up that end of year resolution.... although I can talk as I'm not exactly prolific myself these days! Best wishes to you and Mr T for the forthcoming season x

  2. I had only been thinking about you and wondering how you were so it was good to see a post from you and to know you are keeping busy with other things. Mr M used to go to Ashridge on Management courses back when he was a manager! And there was an article about the grounds and Capability Brown in the weekend gardening supplement this Saturday. Did you see Monty Don's programme about CB and William Kent one of his predecessors? Your art work looks great - how skilled you are.

  3. So nice to hear from you, Jill. Lovely work as always. We live near Croome which has a CB landscape and was on the Monty Don programme Marigold Jam mentions. Hope Mr T is keeping well.

  4. Beautiful work Jill, I look forward to seeing it.

  5. Jill, so glad you are posting again.
    I have always enjoyed seeing your projects, and creative work. Looking forward to seeing more of your super work. Millyx


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