Tuesday, 20 May 2014

A bit of a wuss

I know, I know it has been ages since I last posted a blog. I will share some creative work with you… promise.

But meanwhile here is a series of photos of  rescue cat Mungo trying to jump down from a two metre fence. Out neighbours' shed is on the other side and he happily jumps up there from the back of a garden seat. He doesn't want to jump down into the flowerbed where it is overgrown. I think he did it before when he could see bare earth to land on.  Earlier we heard him yowling from next door. He must have jumped down into their garden and I had to rescue him from the front. He cannot get to the road from our garden, but he can get through our neighbours' wrought iron gate.

It's a long way down

wobble wobble

I can do it!!

No I can't

This side?

Or this side?

I'll just hang on for a moment...

I'll head for the trees.

Was that a good idea?

I think it was!

From here he was able to make it to the compost bin…  no photos of that bit. He must have been going backwards and forwards for at least ten minutes.  How long will it be before he tries it again do you think?

I thought cats were meant to be sure footed, but he certainly isn't. We're more and more convinced he was an indoor cat before we got him.  It is great  to watch him thrive. A cat needs a bit of adventure. We still cannot get him weaned off a litter tray. He will use it outside, reluctantly, but he's obviously been 'saving up' for when we bring it in at bedtime!!

If you're still with me, thanks. I've been rather lax posting lately. Sometimes real life gets in the way. However I still love reading what everyone else has been doing, even if I don't comment. 
Have a lovely week.


  1. Oh bless him! At least he is not going to use up his 9 lives too quickly if he is so careful! He's gorgeous. The litter tray business is quite common I think and they look at you as if to say "I thought that was what you said it was for"!! It's better than going on the carpet anyway!

  2. I am laughing my head off here. He is such a big, butch cat to be behaving like that!

    Hasn't he got beautiful markings?

  3. He's gorgeous - and cautious is better than totally mad!

  4. Sounds and looks like he's feeling right at home with you both. Good to catch up and know you're still thriving.

  5. Love seeing how Mungo's getting on :-) It's obvious you mean a lot to each other.
    As for the litter tray......we've given up with Angel. We've had her for over a year and she still comes in to use the tray then goes out after! (She was an indoor cat before we had her....maybe old habits are hard to break).

  6. I love that story - puss the wuss!
    Nice to see you again x


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