Sunday, 5 May 2013


Here's a quick post as I take a break before putting the dinner on. Can't believe the weather has matched the forecast so I have been torn between the garden and sewing machine. 

But meanwhile here is the lovely Bobby Britnell, whose two day workshop I was on last week. She has just published her book, "Stitched Textiles: Flowers",  and launched it at Art Van Go, so all the examples from the book were on the walls. She is a super teacher and it was great to be surrounded by her work - totally inspiring.

We worked in our sketchbooks and on fabric using similar techniques in each. 

When I got home I had to continue playing and this was the state of my workspace, but I had to get on with that quilt.

So I cleared it up and got out the machine

You will be so relieved to know that I have actually started quilting - hurrah!!! The end is in sight.
Hope you are having glorious weather too.


  1. Nice weather here too! Pleased that the quilt is on target!

  2. Love those prints!

    And yes, the weather was fab on Friday and again today. Apparently, tomorrow it is supposed to be hotter than Spain!


  3. Keep at it wth that quilt - it'll soon be done! I love the stitches you've added to your prints - I'm very fond of seed stitching.

  4. Ooh how lovely! I went to Bobby's Book launch, and bought a copy, but it's still languishing in the AVG bag at the moment. I bet it was a fabulous workshop, and please show us the quilt when it's finished x

  5. Glad that the quilting is on track. The results from Bobby's workshop are fabulous. What did you think of her book? I must admit that the garden won out for me yesterday but I don't have any deadlines to meet.

  6. Lovely prints, the quilt is coming together and looks beautiful x

  7. The course was obviously fun, I like your flower pages. Well done starting the quilting, look forward to seeing more!!

  8. The print & stitch look wonderful. Now you've started That quilt, what's to stop you ? ;)

    You know the theory that Down South has the opposite weather of Up North? Well it's true, tho you guys deserve it, the lovely sunny day I mean! I heard someone say they hadn't seen the sun for a year down there ;(

  9. They say it takes one to know one and so I think Bobby's course was displacement activity to put off getting on with 'that quilt' as you call it. So good to see it on the machine. Will you be making another any time soon after finishing this one? They seem such large undertakings. I really admire your stamina Jill!! Lovely to see a photo of Bobby and some beautiful colour emanating from her workshop. You've reminded me to take a look at her book too.

  10. lucky you Jill - 2 great courses - i have bought Bobby's book to use as a project to get me going now my treatment is over - the quilt is moving on

  11. I am loving your references to "that quilt"....... you make me smile when I read it.
    Lovely for you to have stepped away from it and been able to "play".
    Have thought of you this week and wondered if you have managed to catch Book Of The Week on Radio Four as it has been about bumble bees. (I heard a portion of it whilst ironing at work and came home to catch the other sessions on my laptop via iplayer).

  12. You can't bet a workshop with a good teacher! Great way to spend a day :-)
    Your final hand-stitched piece is really lovely. X


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