Sunday 3 February 2013


The month has not started well as I have now got the sort of cough that is quiet most of the time, but when it starts, won't stop, and my ribs hurt and I am feeling sorry for myself! Wanted to get stuff done, but have no energy.
I had finished my calendar for January and started Feb's before the lurgy struck.

Last weekend I stitched these little birds onto an old triangular bandage I had from a first aid course. There is another one in the first aid box. I was inspired after counting absent birds for the RSPB's garden bird watch. I have had the thought of turning them into cards, but my will power has run out for now. Marvin has decided to sit on my lap and is telling me enough is enough, so I have snapped him. I am blogging for the first time on my iPad and I don't seem to be able to embed the photos in the text, but I really don't feel like sitting at the computer, but I am sure you will be able to work out which is what.

I do hope you have a good week,


  1. Lovely diary pages and the bird cards are gorgeous. This lurch hangs on and on so don't get too despondent as it does eventually go away. Marvin has the right idea.

  2. Love the birds and cards! Do hope you feel better soon, Jill.

  3. I hope you feel better very soon. The little birds are gorgeous, so detailed with expression. I'm in awe!

  4. I am also in awe of the little birds - they are very beautifully observed. Rest up with Marvin and I hope you feel better soon.

  5. Dear little birds, your machining is VERY good! Another month already and another lovely blank page to be decorated.Hope you soon feel better Jill.

  6. Gorgeous bird embroideries and that shot of Marvin made me roar with laughter and want to scratch the back of his head!

  7. Hope you feel better soon.
    Love the colourful pages for January. The birds are wonderful; I want to try some sketchy stitching.
    Anne x

  8. Wonderful birds. I love them. Your puss seems to be contemplating a cup of tea!!!!

  9. Those machined birds are wonderful Jill. I think I might have then wrapped the bandage around my throat for extra comfort. Do you remember wearing a scarf when we had a sore thorat as kids? Why did we do that I wonder? My go to recipe for a sore throat is a sage leaf tea gargle but yours sounds as if it is a bona fide dry and tickly cough. Get some Pholcodeine and stay in the warm drawing on the iPad!

  10. I love the birds Jill, did you just stitch them freehand or did you draw them first?
    Oh and I had the same problem when I tried to blog from my ipad. I gve up in the end. Hope your cough is better
    Gill x

  11. Poor you feeling miserable. Try to give in & rest up, lots of fluids ;)

    When you have the energy & do more stitched birds they could be part of small wall hangings/quilts, way too good for 'just' cards, altho the ones you've done are beautiful, more like 'art cards' for sure.

  12. Hello Jill, I just found you from Gina's blog...I love your little birds and the cards you have made with them! Moira


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