Monday, 31 December 2012

2012 at a glance

My year summed up in 365 one and a half inch squares!

Thanks so much for sticking with me, it hasn't been an easy year back here in reality, although we have had a lot to celebrate -  90th, 95th, 60th, 21st and 18th birthdays in my immediate family and that is nearly half of us (we are a very small family).  However emotional and health ups and downs have also been dominant.
It is very quiet, grey and pouring with rain here, even my new iPad isn't cheering me up. Our plans for New Year all had to be scuppered so it is the two of us and the telly and maybe a game of crib and of course keeping my eye on what everyone else is doing... all without leaving my armchair.
I've finally submitted to the call of Facebook,  but not sure how that will pan out. I have linked up with some old work colleagues who I have fallen out of touch with, so that is very pleasant, but I certainly won't be posting about the minutiae of my life.
Nothing exciting going on on the textile front, but I think I shall use this afternoon to create my January calendar.
This picture is for Cathy, drawn using app  "Paper 53"
There will be plenty of these - I love drawing on the iPad.

to you all


  1. Fabulous to see all your wonderful pages together, they look wonderful. Hope you have a healthy and happy 2013 :-)
    So, how do I find you on facebook? There are some amazing art groups on FB - including a calendar one I just set up! Hope to see you on FB - if I can find you!

  2. Love your drawing. I agree about facebook and everyday info. I'd rather blog. I tried to start a calendar like yours -- I lost the book I had it in. LOL Have a wonderful new year.
    Rae Ann O.

  3. Happy New Year Jill... going out on New Year's Eve is much over rated! I love your drawing of the cat!

  4. Happy New Year Jill (and Mr t and Marvin) Stay in and keep dry.

  5. Happy New Year Jill. Though not a cat person I think your drawing is wonderful.

  6. It's only when you look back that you realize how much you've done! Have a very Happy New Year and a creative 2013!

  7. Happy New Year Jill, wishing you yet more crafty goodness in 2013. Keep up the good work!
    Kate x

  8. Jill, I've said many times how much I admire your perseverance with the calendar pages. I just can't get my head around it but it does look good to see the whole year laid out like this. I assume you will be carrying on with the pages.... unless the iPad seduces you into abandoning the real page for the virtual one? That drawing of Marvin is brilliant. David Hockney eat your heart out!

  9. Keep it up Jill in 2013 I love reading all your posts... Xx

  10. Happy New year, seeing the year posted together makes you realise how quickly a year passes by, good to look at all you have achieved.

  11. Echoing Lesley's sentiments in as much as I think your year looks wonderful laid out like that...

    Happy New Year and THANK YOU for the picture of Marv......... He looks so content. The iPad seems like quite a toy!

  12. You did so well to finish the Calendar year, and all the pages look stunning together. I LOVE the kitty picture, how brilliant that you could do that on the ipad!

    Wishing you a happy and healthy 2013!


  13. Happy New Year Jill ;-)
    The cat picture is fab.
    I'm on Facebook but don't venture on there often; as you say it's good for catching up with people you lost touch with or don't see much of.
    Looking forward to seeing more of your wonderful creations.
    Anne x

  14. I love the picture of the cat! Makes me want to get an ipad but I think it will take more than an iPad for me to draw like that.


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