Monday, 22 October 2012

Still flying

Thanks for all the great comments on my quilt plans, they mean a lot to me.
 I managed to get quite a lot done since my last post.

First I have been practising my free motion embroidery by stitching strips of sari ribbon onto felt, (thanks for the inspiration Gina).

I have also added borders and pinned my patchwork onto wadding and backing ready for quilting- can't decide what pattern to do. But hopefully something will inspire me.

Over the weekend I had a dyeing session and I think I have the blues I want for my C&G quilt.

I have done a couple of pages in my sketchbook on the theme of "Cabinet of Curiosities". Colourful bugs are a favourite of collectors. See 'Sketchbook Challenge'

It's good to do something different.  I do these while (half) watching the TV. 

I  use Koh-i-noor brilliant waterbased dyes - really cheap, and a waterbrush which is brilliant as you don't need a pot of water to paint with - very dodgy in an armchair. You just need a rag or paper towel to wipe the brush on. If you are thinking of buying a waterbrush, don't buy a cheap one without a valve  as the paint back-flows into the reservoir and colours the water - I bought a cheap set of three, and they are useless.

And lastly, we had a magnificent sunset on Saturday. I was busy sewing, but stopped to take these shots through the windows.  Unfortunately this red sky at night was a useless weather forecast as Sunday it did nothing but rain.

Photos straight out of the camera - no enhancing.

Have a good week, whatever you're doing,


  1. A bumper harvest! Wonderful work Jill: I particularly like the sketchbook bugs and sari ribbons, and your evening pictures. The photos seems to me to be ripe for further exploration...

  2. Beautiful embroidery... and I just love those bugs!

  3. Hey there I love these pages. Have you ever been to Caulke Abbey? It is full of cabinets of curiosity. Thousands of articles collected by an eccentric owner. Unfortunately I don't think you can take photographs in there. However you may be able to sketch. I am definitely due a visit there again.

  4. Beautiful colours in the stitched pieces and I love the preparatory work for your C&G quilt that you showed in your last post. Your sketchbook is equally colourful. Clare is right about Calke and they also have some amazing ancient trees in the park - some of the oldest in Europe.

  5. What a real burst of colour Jill. Those samples are great and would look so good in one of those bags that Gina demonstrated. Sketchbook pages are looking good too but I don't know how you manage to watch television and paint at the same time! I know we're all meant to be able to multi task but that's out of my league!

  6. Love the colourful bugs, would want to put them on a cabinet for sure! I think tne blues you have dyed for your CG quilt are beautiful, and I can't wait to see the mini quilt made up! The sari ribbon stitching is a brilliant idea, thanks for such a lively and colourful post!

  7. Glorious, GLORIOUS colour and those sketch book pages are just wonderful. Am interested in the concept of those waterbrushes....

  8. Just been catching up here with some beautifully vibrant work, love those bugs, the cyan & terracotta art quilt & enjoyed the color theory refresher - always loved the difference between optical & pigment wheels.

  9. So many beautiful colours Jill - and you are so adventurous as always. Hope that colder, clearer conditions arrive soon weatherwise - it't been mild and very misty here for the last couple of days! Lesley x

  10. I'm always impressed by your lovely work, super colours and such a variety of work - I love the bugs, gorgeous!


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