Saturday, 11 August 2012

Whoosh - another week gone by...

This is more than one week's work,  I don't want you to get the wrong idea. 
 Like many others it seems, I have been spending a lot of time watching the Olympics on the television or on the computer the last couple of weeks, and although my interest in events has waned a little I shall be sorry when it is over.  I do hope the country can maintain the feel good factor.  I can remember the feeling when my husband directed a youth theatre and I would get involved.  The week of a production we would be exhausted but on a terrific high, as was everyone involved.  After the last curtain call there was a great sense of pride and relief, but also sadness as that combination of people, who had worked together so intensely over many months, would not be coming together again in the same way.  It was like a brief bereavement.  For the athletes, their coaches and support teams, the management, and all the wonderful volunteers the end of the games will leave a great gap in their lives, the build up has been so terrific.  At least there will be a great big party and for the athletes as for the theatre group there is always the next event to prepare for.  Still it's not over yet, and hopefully everyone will be really looking forward to the Paralympics to carry on the high.

Back to the City and Guild's work I have been doing. 
 First a bit of research on patchwork.  I have to admit I enjoyed the 'colouring in'  much more than I did the writing.  Luckily not a great deal of evidence of research is required for the course. 

Below are some samples of paper and fabric I printed
with the block I designed from a distorted traditional one.

Below is the mosaic piecing completed - I did quite enjoy this, but my stitching is a bit variable, this is only A4 size, I cannot imagine what my stitches would be like if I was making a larger quilt.

Here is the patchwork quilted with little ties and beads.  The other piece is one of the printed fabrics hand quilted. 

 I don't think my stitches would win any prizes ... 

... but my running stitch is better.

I'm really looking forward to going to The Festival of Quilts on Thursday, and I will now know a bit more about the skills involved and be able to appreciate the work(wo)manship even more.  
I know I'm going to have a great week, and I hope you do too.


  1. Your quilt work is lovely Jill. I like the idea of using beads to hold the layers together as well as ties.

    We will miss the Games won't we but I must admit I have had enough now and I wasn't competing!! As you say I hope the country can retain the feel good factor and that they will indeed inspire a generation.

  2. We've just come back rom a trip up to the Oympic site and although we couldn't get into the park it was still atmospheric (and busy).
    Keep up the good work, I like your stitches!

  3. Shan't know till Weds whether I'm going on Thursday. If I am I'll let you know and perhaps we bred can meet up.

  4. Hey well done with the patchwork...I'm trying to finish my sketchbook course before time runs out for me at the end of August. It's taken me a year!!!! I'm not sure whether I could manage the patchwork course. Would love to meet some time and discuss with you how you've found the workload.

  5. I think the A4 mosaic panel with the stitched tied threads is lovely Jill. The stitching is so neat but it's the colour combination that stands out for me. All the pieces really look so good together. I am in agreement with you about the feel good factor. I hope it lasts for a while but without the Olympics on telly I have no excuse now not to get going and do something else. I'll try to take a leaf out of your book and make a concerted effort this coming week! Enjoy FOQ . I look forward to reading your thoughts about it.

  6. Lovely stamping and stitching.

  7. Love the quilt with the stitched ties Jill. May see you there on Thursday.

  8. I personally really like the neatness of your running stitch. It always looks like the easiest of stitches, but I think there is quite a "knack" to getting it just right. (One which you have obviously got!). Enjoy the Festival of Quilts.

  9. Have fun on Thursday Jill! Really like those block prints and your hand stitched quilts.

    Enjoyed reading the opening paragraph of this post too. Lesley x

  10. What lovely little quilts! And your C&G pages are fab.....


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