Thursday, 19 July 2012

What have you been doing?

I can't believe it is over a week since I last posted here. I'm not sure what I've been doing but I have managed a bit of stitching to share with you. I have now finished Module 4 of the Creative Quilt making course I am doing with Design Matters - half way through!

Here are a few things I have had to do.  One skill I have to practice is piecing curved shapes.  These samples are not too bad and if I quilted them, hopefully the wrinkles would be less noticeable.  However it is not a very inspiring thing to practice - it uses up lots of fabric and I just end up with a heap of wrinkly squares.

Another quilting skill I have had to learn is creation Prairie points all you quilters will know what they are - but they were new to me.

The next activity was using tabs as part of a design and below I chose to make mine in the shape of ridge tiles.  I used painted pelmet vilene and one of my dyed fabrics, the blue, with one I bought at a textile show.

The final activity I had to do was use couching and appliquĂ© in a piece.  I took ages to decide what to do and wanted to use the methods to try something more significant. So I used this photograph as inspiration

 I used some of my dyed fabric and used free machine embroidery to lay down the basic shapes.
I then used couching of different threads and fabrics and a variety of stitches to represent the grain in the wood.  The whole piece is about 6x8 inches.

I have also been practicing my free machine stitching. These are on a calico/batting sandwich, the cut-outs are stitched pelmet vilene, cut out and then painted.

I hope to be enrolling for the next module in the next few days so I'm sure to be doing some more stitching, if I can cope in the coming heat wave of course! 
I've had a lot of lovely communications with fellow bloggers recently and I just wanted to add what a super lot you all are.  Keep on posting,


  1. Wow such fabulous work, keep it up xx4

  2. It continues to be more interesting in the next modules. I really like the applique piece.

  3. All looks great Jill. Will you stitch or attach in some way the green ivy leaves to the embroidered piece? I thought at first that they were attached with cords or something but I see not. That piece you did with tabs reminded me of a rooftop scene with chimney pots against the blue sky.

  4. beautiful work, you really inspire me to want to do the course! x

  5. The course is such a commitment. I toy with the idea of doing it but fear I need more time available! Well done so far. It's a huge learning curve (excuse the pun!)

  6. Your pieces are a treat to behold Jill - love the wood grain one :D x

  7. Great work Jill - got your unique touch to it!

  8. I went straight onto Google to find out what prairie points are!! Isn't that the beauty of blogging though? All the new things to learn.....
    I really liked your piece with the tabs and totally "got" how suited they were for the ridge tiles.
    As I write I am bathed in sunshine...... woohooooooooo!

  9. The wood grain piece is stunning, I love it! You have been so busy :)

  10. I think the precision cutting and piecing skills required by this say' rather you than me' Jill. You are going great guns and those two pieces of the ridge tile tabs and the tree trunk are just great. Using that technique of the photograph and extended drawing works so well too. I can see you've got the bit between your teeth so roll on module 5!

  11. Lovely work , seems very stretching, all the variety, but I know you are well up to par. The wood grain sketch stitching is my favorite, too.


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