Monday, 18 June 2012

Monday, Monday

At last we are having some sunshine between the showers.  On Saturday I took the opportunity to visit Hitchin, a pleasant market town only about 8 miles away, I enjoyed myself mooching round the market and charity shops - so much more interesting than our local ones.

Apart from some supplies this was the only thing I bought.  As it says Washable and Dry Cleanable, I'm not sure if this will remove the marks of if they are permanent - a bit of an experiment needed.
I was attracted by this crowd hanging around the church gate.
But a peek through the gates soon explained their interest. I was really glad I'd popped my point and shoot into my shopper.

Only a swift glimpse of the bride and broom with their littlest bridesmaids I'm afraid, and all too fast to snap. 
Overheard "Mum! Dad! I've just SEEN the queen"
What a lovely day, it was bright and very breezy, really cheering after all the dullness.

Meanwhile I've been working on my C&G tasks.  This time spattering fabric paint.  What a mess I got myself into, which I was why I was pleased to buy a box of disposable gloves on Hitchin market.
I masked the fabric with freezer paper and used a toothbrush to splatter the paint.

Now I'm adding some stitches.

I was looking round the garden for some inspiration when I spotted the lichens on this cement planter.

I think I can feel some more paint splattering coming on.

Have a good week


  1. You can't beat a good dose of paint splattering Jill. I like the idea of freezer paper masks. That's twice in two days I've been reminded about it so I shall take that as a signal to use the technique in something! I always thought Hitchin was a bit place. Is it really just a market town? That church looks big enough to be a cathedral in a city somewhere!

  2. I really must proof read... of course I mean Hitchin is a BIG town in my eyes.... not a bit town.... or a two bit town....

  3. It's amazing how sunshine makes everything look different! I'm off to find some charity shops too!

  4. Your work is coming on a real treat, love the photos of the wedding x

  5. That is weird tracing paper - never heard of anything like that!
    The paint spattering has some real potential I think don't you?

  6. That cement planter is just begging to be given the "Jill" treatment via textiles! :O)

  7. LOVING the paint splatter! Looking forward to seeing more.....

    That is a real Cinderella coach, isn't it? Beautiful.

  8. Hello from a Hitchin resident! Well, we are twice blessed -- a visit from the Queen AND you, Jill, in the space of a few days. I'm smiling at your saying the Hitchin charity shops are more interesting than your normal ones as I always think the Letchworth ones are better than ours! Lovely photos.

  9. Hi Jill, I enjoyed the photos, they were lucky with the weather as well. I taught in H for 15 years and am fond of it, great market and some interesting shops, I still go there for my hair and the garage I use. Love your spatterings and look forward to seeing what you do with the tracing paper.


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