Wednesday, 2 May 2012

What is it with April?

First of all thank you for your get well messages - I'm still feeling rather fuzzy, all right if I keep busy, but if I stop, I want to fall asleep.

I have managed to  get my calendar done for May although it still needs a bit of work.  When I looked at my pages for April last year I had marked it "the warmest April on record" and this year "wettest..." hold on to your hats next April, it may well be the windiest!

Monday was lovely, but I spent most of it asleep, really annoying. It's back to grey dullness today.

I did try to be a bit more spontaneous with May and sloshed some left-over dye over the page, however looking at it today, I'm not sure spontaneous is the right description. However a bit of fiddling about will soon add some character.  
I've a busy week coming up, so not sure how much creating is going to go on between naps.
Here's to a sunnier May,


  1. Gorgeous colours Jill. Your purple background for April is lovely. I really need to use purple more... I do like it, it's just not a colour I gravitate to :D
    Your May background is lovely too - the green over the lagoon blue looks so fresh. I like your choice of words... sloshed.... sounds good, looks good!

  2. Hope you feel better soon and that we have some sun to enjoy!

  3. fantastic pages, cant wait to see may filled in.

  4. I'm liking your sloshing on your May pages!! Lovely effect achieved.

  5. Well your sloshing has worked, lovely. I adore your painted flowers on April's page, gorgeous xx

  6. Great to see someone else working on a book of days ! Love your May colours - I've gone with lilac for May as I just love lilacs in bloom this time of year ! Have a fun week & hope you are feeling better soon ! Ali H

  7. May looks brighter in your sketchbook than it does from my window this morning, I can tell you! ;O)

    Hope you are on the mend, frustrating as it is, sleeping a day away, I am sure it is "Nature's way".

  8. I look forward to seeing May develop and hope you are feeling much better now.

  9. Hi Jill, love the colours on both, but May looks fine to me as it is :-)
    Anne x

  10. Hi Jill. Sorry it's taken me so long to get round this month, but finally I am here! Still love to see your calendar pages, and isn't it great to have a record to look back on like that?


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