Sunday, 22 April 2012

What Jill did next

As part of my City and Guilds course I have to print on some of the fabric I have dyed.  this has been done using acrylic paint and expanded sponge blocks. I have included a paper version in three of them.

 These flowers were made with freezer paper stencils and a gold Markal stick.

This one is using both methods.

 Here are a couple more sketchbook pages.

Now, just to show that I do have a life outside of my City and Guilds course I have been toying with creating a small piece from a drawing I did several years ago.  I have planned it out using some dyed fabric and some from my scrap stash. I've painted some texture on the background using sequin waste and used bond-a-web to hold down the pieces. I'm just off to baste the whole lot together before I get out the sewing machine.  I will need to do a bit of practice before I start on this.

Have a good week.


  1. Lots of beautiful work Jill.

  2. Wonderful work as always Jill. The sketchbook pages look especially good to me, as well as the final drawing.

  3. Nice C&G work, Jill! Are those lemon branches in the vase?

  4. Great work, love the sketchbook.
    Can't wait to see your finished piece.

  5. That drawing of the flowers in the vase is exquisite Jill and the applique piece looks like a winner to me. Would love to see it once it is finished? Please show us. As for that C&G course, it looks like you're on a roll now and sounds like you're really enjoying it. I love reading about what you'll do next......

  6. Get that sewing machine out - can't wait to see what you do with that piece!

  7. Looking good! Know it will be great when it's finished

  8. Lots of interesting print designs here...they will come to life with the sewing machine. I'll be watching!!!!

  9. Love the top image of multicolored flowers, it's all lovely work. Great how the techniques react slightly differently on paper & cloth

  10. It sounds a fascinating course. Love what you've been up to.
    You should come over and enter my giveaway, if you feel up to yet more dyeing, that is!

  11. More great experiments in your sketchbook, I love seeing your pages. Look forward to seeing the vase finished, a lovely drawing.

  12. Lovely work Jill, your originality has so many facets. Love your blog.


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