Tuesday, 13 December 2011

These things happen!

In my last post I showed you this collage I had started using the linings from recycled enveloped.  I was moving stuff around on my desk when I had a spillage accident.  I squeezed a sponge over the page - don't ask why - and it left a great blot of green watercolour wash over the spoon!  

I had already decided to add texture to the page using a Sharpie pen.  Rather than just make random marks I had decided to mimic the textures of the paper with different types of cross hatching, so I managed to squeeze some more green wash from the sponge and painted it across the two pages.  When it was dry I worked on it with pen and added the lino print which I had cut earlier using the lines on the paper used for the spoon as a pattern.

Carrying on with the black acrylic I added some texture with some different size sequin waste  as this mimicked the texture of the background paper, I then worked into it with colour pencils and oil pastels to add more depth.

The stencilling seemed to suggest another fork, so I emphasised that and added some extra colour to link it to previous pages in my book which have beed much warmer in shade , I also added  some stamped letters.

Afterwards I though perhaps I should have spelled out "mash it up" as that was more in keeping with the fork.

Before I go I want to say "hello" to Diane in Surrey and Barb in North Carolina who have both e mailed me this week about my page, although they don't Blog themselves. How lovely it is to get mails out of the blue.
Hope you're keeping warm and dry and have battened down the hatches for the gales.


  1. How clever you are - it looks wonderful!

  2. What amazing looking pages Jill. Love them!

  3. It looks brilliant, what a great result.

  4. Who knew!! Very cool piece!!

  5. Wonderful textures!
    A treat to look at.

  6. Was that green watercolour a happy accident? I think so. It made you do something you hadn't planned to do and look at the fabulous results! This is a fabulous image Jill. I often keep envelopes because of the patterns and then throw them away when I do nothing with them. Perhaps it's time I gave them a closer look!

  7. Now that's a happy accident! Your pages are so detailed...BTW, you've inspired me to have a go at a sketchbook diary.

  8. Love the reworked image - the depth and textures really add to the image and I do like the additional colour also. Great work again Jill - a happy accident indeed!

  9. I love a bit of serendipity, well caught! Great stamp, must look inside my envelopes more carefully!

  10. Great results Jill - these pages really work, there's so much of interest. x

  11. What lovely images you created Jill, great to have time to 'play' and experiment!


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