Tuesday, 23 August 2011

The Up-side of a Gloomy Tuesday

It may be damp and gloomy today, but it means that I spend time in my 'studio' without feeling I should be out and about making the most of the glorious weather!  So here is a quick glimpse at what's what.

Here is a mosaic I created from my 11 (+1) postcards on my theme of windows.  What a wonderful collection and range of takes on my topic.  It has been great fun and I think it has taxed our creativity. 

This is the final card I received from Joanna which I love. It is hand stitched - and I now I'm thinking of going blond!! The quote is from James Joyce.

This is the final card that I created for Penny on her theme of Angels which I found very difficult. However I kept coming back to this angel I photographed in Great Bedwyn, Wilts. She was on the wall of a stonemason's yard. The business has since closed, so hopefully she has found a good home. Not sure what to do with her, I ended up making a background of Angel quotations.  I wanted to go out on a glorious note, but however 'hard' I squeezed my creativity nothing glorious would come!

Meanwhile here are a few sketchbook pages.

Sorting out some fabrics and threads I was struck with how many greens I had, which made me get out my pencils, paints etc and really have a big think about green!

Using paints and pencils I then sat in the garden and tried to reproduce the greens I was seeing without worrying too much about form.

My Creative Sketchbook course starts soon. Not sure how much I will be able to share with you yet, but no doubt there will be some.
Hope your week is going well,


  1. Dismal and grey here too but as you say at least we don't feel guilty at not being out in the garden working. However I don't seem to be getting anything else done either! Love your green pages.

  2. I signed up for Creative Sketchbooks as well. Looking forward to getting started.

  3. How lovely - definitely compensation for a dull day. I love your sketchbook pages. I've been thinking a lot about shades of green recently - mostly when on the train going into work in the morning. I must try to do something with the thought (though it won't look as good as this I fear).

    I do hope you will be able to share some of your creative sketchbook work with us.

  4. We have had no rain here for ages really and everything is brown. I am looking forward to some when the children return to school, not just for the garden but for an excuse to stay in and create!!!!

  5. Jill,
    I put all of my PK cards together too and showed a friend. When looked at en masse the creativity of them all really hits home. Good to see you are immediately creating something else. That exercise in greens is very controlled and clever. I think you might skate through that sketchbook course with honours!!

  6. It's a kind of anti climax now the project is over, isn't it? My favourite way of mixing green is to mix yellow with a bit of black.... yummy! Sketchbook course sounds like you will have loads of fun.

  7. I was wondering what you will all do with your postcards. Just catching up on your lovely posts. The novelty of your journal pages hasn't dimmed for me - I love seeing them each month!

  8. Your sketchbook pages look fabulous Jill.

  9. Lots of lovely things here Jill....I like the 'green pages' (very inspiring) and your gladiolus are delightful!

    Joanna's card is very precious too; I love the way her hair is blowing in the breeze!


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