Sunday, 6 February 2011

Did you know...

...that tulips keep on growing taller after they are picked?
Which is why it is best to put them up to their necks in a vase...

so as they grow taller, they won't droop.
I found that out from a friend who trained as a florist, but of course you may know that already ... which case I hope you just enjoy this group of photos from my archives.
I seem to be very busy so I'll keep this brief,   hope you have a good week,
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  1. I knew about putting them in a vase up to their necks but didn't know why that prevented them drooping! Lovely pics Jill.


  2. Now to find some tulips. I looked at the market this afternoon, but they were pushing roses already for Valentine's day. Maybe next week when things get back to normal - flower-wise! But, thanks for the hint. Mine always start out so nice a calm and end up all sprawled every which way. Now I know why!

  3. I'd not heard that before. I assumed they just drooped anyway. Love the yellow tulips in their vase above.

  4. No, I didn't know, thanks for the tip Jill. Beautiful pics :-)
    Anne xx

  5. I have another tip too ...if you push a pin right through the stem just beneath the flower then that also stops them drooping ....(Obviously don't leave the pin in !!).x

  6. well I never knew and now I know. Thanks be to you (a haiku????!!!)

  7. Tulips are one of my favorite flowers

  8. No, I didn't know that, but I do now and very useful. I'll try it next time someone buys me tulips, maybe a long time though, lol.

  9. Nope......... didn't know......... hence my not picking my tulips because they always droop! This year will be different now (thanks to you!)

  10. I can see some tulips starting to come in the garden, not enough to pick tho.

  11. You learn something new every day Jill! Thanks for this. Always thought it was just me because I didn't top up the water in the vase regularly. I didn't get round to planting any tulips last year so won't be able to try the theory on my home grown ones. Looks like a trip to the florists for me for a treat! Lesley

  12. Such pretty flowers - and useful info too! Have a good week, Jill. x

  13. Wow, how extraordinary, I just bought some gorgeous deep red tulips this morning. Put them in a vase up to their middles, and they began to flop. I just happended to go into your blog (on my favourites list) and there it was! Now, my red beauties have been decanted and are up to their necks. Much better. Thank you!!

  14. What an amazing photo of the red tulip. Stunning.


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