Friday, 8 October 2010

this week

The weather has been lovely the last couple of days and to show I have a life beyond sewing I thought I would draw a sellection of flora from  the garden. In fact I could have filled several pages as there is so much blooming at the moment including primulas and bergenia - are they late or early I wonder. I was going to post some photographs or my sewing, but now Blogger won't even load the  insert image window.  I am writing this on my lap-top where as the picture above was scanned into my PC a couple of hours ago. So I am not sure if it is the lap-top or Blogger playing up! Yes I am a two computer household - my laptop was a retirement present, and I must say that  I love sitting with it in the evening whilst Mr T watches something  on TV I'm not very interested in - most programmes can be taken in with only a brief amount of attention, I'm sure you'll agree. Although he does sometimes 'test' me to see if I paying attention (LOL).

I have switched to 'Internet Explorer' from Google 'Chrome'  and this seems  to have helped, a bit ironic as I think Google is connected to Blogger.

I've been using the ironing board as an extra work table which is great as I can adjust its height easily. I used the pliers for closing some 'keeper' rings for attaching some charms to the cords on the purse as I haven't and suitable coloured beads.

My button tins are getting a lot of use - here are another couple of purses. They haven't sold as well as the book covers but I really like making them - here are a couple of details.

I find I have favourite patches - stem stitch is my embroidery stitch of choice at the moment, plus French knots. I love the red candy stripes - here with added seed beads.

I love the colours in this one. My favourite machine stitch is the blanket stitch here done in a lovely varigated thread.

I have made a matching purse and book cover in red, black and white. Hopefully they will appear in my shop over the weekend along with some more book covers.  I must say I really enjoy putting the different fabrics together but making sure I photograph them effectively is a bit more of a chore.
Now I must try to catch up with everone else's post. Busy weekend ahead, so posting on the shop will be a priority, hope you have a great weekend - the weather forecast for the UK is pretty good. Hope you are ready for 10/10/10.



  1. A beautiful post Jill...and your illustrations are fabulous. You are such a talented lady :-)

  2. Lovely patchwork Jill and I too love those cord and button fastenings - simple but effective eh?! Love your sketchbook flowers too - I do so wish I could draw and paint. As Linda says you are indeed a talented lady!


  3. I like the patchwork. I used google chrome for about an hour and hated it.

  4. Everything is lovely! You should be a book illustrator! I've been having trouble with the new editor in blogger - I've gone back to the old one, much easier for moving pics and text around.

  5. I know what you mean about the flowers Jill. There is so much still in flower that it's difficult to know what season we're in but as we're knee deep in fallen ash leaves.... it was 21 degrees here yesterday, strange weather for October indeed. Hadn't thought about it being 10/10/10 but thanks for the reminder! Enjoy the rest of these sunny days. Lesley.

  6. Beautiful photos Jill and superb work. I love the colours and stitchwork on that middle photo of purses. I have my ironing board up almost permanently in the kitchen, not to iron on, but as an extra worksurface!

  7. I love the sketch book page Jill: wonderful drawings. I hope you print a book of your favourite drawings some day soon. The newest purse and book cover look great - very tempting!

    Interesting that you had problems uploading recently: I did too, and thought it might be something about the pictures I was uploading, which were an unusual shape. I gave up in the end, but may try again with a different browser.

  8. Some lovely work and beautiful photos, Jill. Blogger has been driving me mad too - I'll try changing to Explorer too, to see if that helps.
    My ironing board is in constant use - but hardly ever to iron on!

  9. Lovely sketches and sewing! Can tell you put love into what you create. :)

  10. I do love your style of illustration Jill. This is particularly beautiful and would make a wonderful card.


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