Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Another job or two

I've been photographing my wares today I thought that I wasn't making a very big impact with straight photographs so I thought I would give myself another couple of jobs - photographic director and stylist. I should have taken a couple of 'how I did it' pics which would have made a better tale. But never mind. First I got out my jumpers and coat and hung them on the front of the wardrobe. I set up the camera on tripod as the light was so poor I knew I would have to use a slow shutter speed.  Then I started on my scarf drawer and rediscovered  couple I had forgotten!
This is my new jumper from Monsoon - now I need to sell lots of book covers. (My sister has bought exactly the same one!) I'm having lunch with friends tomorrow and if it's chilly I can wear it, but the flower is for sale - I shall have to make myself one now.

and my coat I treated myself to last winter, which I hope I can still button up!

I love this Laura Ashley white knitted scarf but I've hardly ever used it, but now it has proved useful to set of this purse.

I thought this one might look good with denim.

More blues!

This is a beautiful two toned chiffon scarf that is rather too large to use, but I like to get it out and look at it every now and again. Do you have things like this your wardrobe!
 I'm not sure if I am ready to apply for a job as a photography stylist yet, but it was great fun and my photography course certainly helped. Next time I promise not to mention the shop!!


  1. Perhaps you could try shooting them against some of your wonderful drawings. By the way I love your honesty seed pods. xx

  2. I think you are a great stylist! These photographs are interesting, but the backgrounds definitely do not detract from your lovely wares. They enhance them! ♥

  3. Wow! You really have great ideas for the photos and they do enhance your wares. Very nice! BTW--I don't mind you showing your products and talking about your new shop. :)

  4. Neither do I -gives me lots of ideas. Doesn't everyone have an entire drawer of scarves that have not been worn? They look so good in the store, and yet never seen right on the body. It's a girl thing.

  5. I think the pictures look very well. I've got some nice new things from Monsoon this season, like your jumper (but not the same one).
    I also have some loved pieces in my wardrobe that I've been thinking of using as a background for pics, but haven't done anything with them yet - unlike you. Very inspiring: thanks for sharing.

  6. Your work as a stylist is sure to pay off those pics are brilliant! I love the little purses and that variegated thread you have used to zig-zag round the edges is lovely. Wishing you well with the shop.


  7. Suer photos, Jill. I don't mind at all hearing about your shop - and admiring items from your wardrobe. I certainly have things I don't wear but would make a great background, too.

  8. Your photos are super. What a time consuming job it must be, but luckily you have your photographic background to call upon! Lucky you! I am another one who doesn't mind reading about your shop!

  9. Great photos Jill. YOu know you can mention the shop as often as you like! I love those little flower brooches... Hmmm... tempting....


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