Sunday, 22 August 2010


I have been feeling really bored and fed up over the last few days - nothing serious, you know the feeling, it seems to strike most people and the  grim weather hasn't helped. Although at the beginning of the summer I knew a holiday was unlikely and was resigned to it, I could really do with a change of scenery at the moment, but that seems unlikely. I have  friends to visit and when I feel happy to leave Mr T overnight and I can look at four different walls.  I was hoping we would both get away in September, but it is filling up with hospital appointments etc. May be in October. Anyway enough of me wallowing in self-pity, it has been a lovely day today, for a change and I have no ironing to do as I am still waiting for the washing machine to be fixed. So I thought I would make a few altered postcards to send to our friends. I have a drawer full of postcards bought from art galleries and exhibitions, some I want to keep, but some have lost their initial appeal, so I have 'up-cycled' them and they hit the post box tomorrow.
Have  great week (I am working on some more memoirs).


  1. Yeah I know that feeling - it washes over you every now and again - nothing to do but see it out sometimes. Hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow. Great postcards, what a treat to receive one of those in the mail.

  2. Think it goes with the artisic temperament! don't give up - some of the best work happens in the darkest moments!!

  3. I love the cards. I have a lot of postcards that I've gathered over the years and this is an inspiring way to give them new life.

    I hope that you get the break you deserve soon,

  4. Know that feeling too, Jill. Also the wouldn't it be great to get away feeling - not likely to happen either. I love the cards.

  5. Great cards! You put your frustration to good use. ;)

  6. I like these cards, especially the third one down.

  7. These are fun Jill, hope you feel a bit brighter soon. Lesley x

  8. I like the paw print on the settee...... hope things appear brighter tomorrow.....

  9. your cards are great. I do hope your spirits lift soon, sending good vibes from Lancashire...

  10. oh really love these,all so different,yet so effective,hope your spirits,lift soon love cheryl xxx

  11. Great cards, great title...ennui....ennui - what a beautiful word. I've just been saying it over and over again. A perfect word to describe how things are with you at present. Hope today is a brighter day. Lesley x

  12. Sorry you are feeling a little off kilter, as your blog always inspires me! Sending you lots of positive waves and hope that your spirits lift soon.

  13. Lovely cards you made, and you've found a reason to be happy your washing machine is broken. Sounds like you salvaged at least part of a bad day. Maybe tomorrow will feel better.

  14. Wow, these cards are Pure Genius... never thought of doing such a thing. I did think that one could make their own, using sturdy card stock, cut to postcard shape. I like your theme; making the best of a situation. We all have to do that once in awhile!


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