Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Drawing from memory

I am on a roll now and you will have to bear with me. I have pages in my sketch book of little drawings of bits I can remember from my granparents' house and I am using them to illustrate my Norfolk Holidays book. I have decided not to be too precious about it, otherwise I shall agonize over every sentence and drawing, but just to get it all down. I am sharing it with you, but his is a long entry so skip it if you wish, but I hope you enjoy the drawings. The weather is miserable and we are stuck at home, so this is a great way for me to occupy myself. Mr T is making progress, but  we are not 'out of the woods' yet and still having weekly visits from the District Nurse. So here is part two...

If you have managed to read all that, thank you!! It is for my sake really, but I am happy to share.


  1. Oh Jill it's lovely I am green with envy at your artistic skills and only wish I could illustrate my ramblings too! I do so remember Californian Poppy perfume - along with Evening in Paris in a blue glass bottle!! You must keepo this up it's amazing. I know what you mean about being on a roll - the memories come thick and fast once you get started don't they?! Looking forward to hearing more soon.

    Jane x

  2. Hi Jill, haven't had the time to catch up with your stories yet but wanted to say how absolutely beautiful your illustrations are. Hope all well in the T household in the meantime. x

  3. This is super Jill - I love the illustrations. Like Jane I remember California Poppy and Evening in Paris - and feather beds (I've just written about those over on my blog) and chamber pots - Granny's were splendid flowered affairs!

  4. I so enjoyed reading your memories of those times in your childhood, so beautifully illustrated.


  5. I am having a quick look at this in my lunchbreak and will be back in the evening for a "proper" look...............

  6. Simply wonderful! You are quite talented and this is a lovely way to record family memories! I hope your husband continues to improve every day! Take care...

  7. Love it all! The illustrations would make a great children's book - have you thought of it?

  8. Please, please, make it into a book, I just love it. I've got some friends staying at the moment and one of them can draw, so shown her your blog because I think it's such a brilliant idea that I want her to do one along your theme. Keep it coming please.

  9. Jill,
    You can paint pictures with words as well as a brush. These posts transport me back every time I read them. I remember Jack and Jill although my Dad always bought me Princess or later, June and School Friend. I know they are your memories alone but there has to be a book in here somewhere. Your talent for illustration is just wonderful. The enjoyment of what you are doing just shines off the page! Lesley x

  10. Priceless preservation of memories. Your illustrations are even better than photos They have so much emotion and beauty. So much changes in such a short time! Children growing up now would be amazed at what was common then. I grew up with a chamber pot under the bed (honey bucket, thunder mug, potty) The trip to the outhouse was even worse in the snow. Thanks for letting us read your story and see your wonderful drawings!

  11. I am sitting here in awe of what you have here Jill............ The illustrations and the placement of them are just wonderful! The feet dangling over the edge of the bed with the pot underneath and the "bogey man cupboard".... fantastic stuff!

  12. I love you all for enjoying my work, thank you - there is more to come.

  13. what a wonderful project; this is beautiful. Thank you for sharing. xo

  14. I love the stories. This brought back to me the sights and smells of my grandma's house with its coal furnace, worn linoleum floors and clothes hanging on the line in the back yard. It's interesting how life was the same for us children living an ocean away from each other.

  15. Skip? oh who would want to skip this? Jill you have captured something special here - inciting certain memories of those days for all of US!(I'm only 10 years younger!) Your illustrations are absolutely wonderful - the chamber pot along with the 'tipping up' story is delightful! You have a real gift describing your memories in detail, perhaps you could make this into a book...
    Looking forward to more!

  16. Wonderful Jill! Looking forward to the next instalment. : -))

    Best wished to Mr T.

  17. Such a very special journal of memories. Your illustrations remind me of an artist that is featured in the latest issue of Country Living where the artist drew her house and street. Such a wonderful post!


  18. So wonderful... I loved your memories. Weren't things simpler then? Only what furniture that was necessary. My grandmother had feather beds also. Your grandparent's loved you so much! My grandmother would send me small surprises in the mail also, and like you, plans were made by mail/post--no long distance phone calls--those were saved for emergencies. Also, I noticed on your grandparent's house, those iron 'letters'--the 'S' and the 'X'. I assume those are to give the brick work strength? I lived in a house once that was of the 'English Tudor' style and we had an 'S' on the front of the house. At the time, my last name started with 'S' and we used to say the house was meant to be ours because of that. Lovely drawings, so charming. All around, a wonderful thing to look at and read. Thank you!

  19. I so enjoyed reading this, brought back a few similar memories for me. Your illustrations are beautiful. Interesting to see that you called your Grandfather Papa, that is what I called my Mother's Father.
    I shall look forward to the next installment.

  20. fantastic illustrations! Oh to be able to draw,sigh.

  21. What's neat to me is how your memories bring back my memories - and how much they have in common. The 50's were like that here, too, and the summer visit to Grannie was so like yours. What a small world!


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