Sunday, 2 May 2010

Good bye April, hello May

What  glorious April we have had, after a chilly start let's hope May is too. 
I have left my May pages very simple using Brusho watercolours and bleach for the backgrounds and paper soaked in two colours of Brusho for the squares. This really intense watercolour powder is great for toning the paper and having bought a box for my book making I wanted to make good use of it.
I'm still enjoying filling these in, I often leave it several days and fill in a batch at once . As this is a working journal/sketchbook it is always around.
As always, thanks to everyone who leaves a comment, they mean so much - Jill x


  1. Your journal is becoming a unique treasure.

  2. April looks gorgeous not it's all filled in.
    Love the background for May and the stitchng detail.
    Lesley x

  3. Am intrigued as to what Brusho is, always looking for new ideas and your May pages are full of wonderful ideas. Love the stitching bits on your April pages.

  4. a very therapeutic occupation no doubt. Oh for endless play . . .


  5. Thanks so much for sharing these things Jill. Your blog is always full of inspiration. Here's to May!

  6. The thirteenth made me smile. Loved the illustrations on it. :O))))))))))))

  7. I loved Sunday 4th April! Looking forward to May

  8. Bye bye April. Here's to May. I shall refrain from my usual comment about doing this myself and live life vicariously by reading yours! Lesley

  9. Lovely April! Doesn't it make them look differnt when they're filled in? That bleaching effect is great on your May pages too!

  10. Lovely April pages. I love this format :o)
    Hope you enjoy May

  11. Your April pages are very springike and gorgegous and I love the May stitched title too.

    Keep going. :)


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