Monday, 12 April 2010

What I did next

I've been making these little scented shabby fabric hearts. 
Here is how: I cut out a heart shape from a piece of fairly strong fabric and then chose scraps of fabric, ribbon and lace that toned in. I then zig-zagged the trimmings onto the heart with a contrasting thread, adding a few random lines of stitching.

I then cut another heart the same size in a toning/or contrasting piece of felt for the back. I have some cheap viscose (or whatever) felt which I was wondering what I would use for.

I then stitched round the edge leaving a gap near the pointed end for stuffing. I stuffed them as firmly as I could and then added some pot-pourri oil on a piece of cotton wool.

As they are not turned inside-out it is easy to stitch up the gap. I then finished them off with a ribbon and a button or bow. I came home from my sisters with a big bag of fabric scraps and pieces of ribbon although that was before I got my machine and didn't know what I was going to do with them. I am beginning to build up my own bits collection now. She also sent me a tin of buttons and another bag of bits this week (what a great sister to have!)

I got a bit carried away photographing them in the afternoon sun. 
I must say I am rather pleased with them.

On Wednesday and Thursday I am going on a course at The Art Van Go Studio in Knebworth called "Books to Cherish with Frances Pickering. Here is one of her books, so you can guess I am really looking forward to it. I hope I shall something interesting to share at the end of the week. Meanwhile I hope you all have an enjoyable and creative week too.

Book by Frances Pickering


  1. Love the hearts Jill, they're so pretty, as is Frances Pickering's book. Will look forward to hearing all about the course. Have fun, Lesley

  2. Those hearts are super Jill. Lucky you to be going on that course - I'd love to join you! Do tell us all about it later. I am so inspired by all your posts lately and as they say immitation is the sincerest form of flattery I'll be making a heart next and waiting for instructions on the book later!

    Jane x

  3. A lovely and fine way to put to use those fun scraps of fabric. The book looks like a beauty and the course will certainly be well worth your time.

  4. The hearts are absolutely delightful Jill - almost can't believe they were made form scraps! I'm glad you took all the photographs so we could have a good look.
    Have fun at your textile workshop, can't wait to see what you create!

  5. OOh the hearts are lovely. You are flying along with the stitching now :-)
    Have a great course - it looks v interesting indeed. Kate

  6. i love these, jill! i wish i had magic with fabric, but maybe i could do the same thing with paper, and string hanging hearts in a garland ... they wouldn't be three dimensional like these lovelies, but still might have a fun effect.

  7. Jill,
    Thank you for the instructions. Were they for my benefit? I know I gave you a good laugh last week. I still can't believe how dim I was! I might have a go with these later in the year when the lavender is ready. Great idea to sell at a craft fair. When are you taking a stall? You're making so much stuff there must be an outlet somewhere. After next week you'll be adding bookbinder to your cv as well. Really looking forward to seeing the results. Hope you have a fabulous couple of days! Lesley

  8. Jill,
    those hearts are so beautiful. Makes me wish I could find the time to sew more than patches on scouting uniforms! Good luck with the course ... looks like it will be right up your alley.

  9. These are beautiful Jill, what inspiration. Love all the colours and the different ribbons.

  10. My goodness, but those hearts are wonderful! We want to know EVERYTHING about the course....... E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G!

  11. Luvverly hearts! you'll have a smashing time at ArtVanGo and we want to see what you make!

  12. Ooh those hearts are absolutely gorgeous :) (followed link from PatsBlog) Love the look of that book too.

  13. Just a look at some of your other beautiful work :) Some lovely interesting posts :)
    Anne xx

  14. love the hearts - I always strugglt turning them inside out so your idea is better - loooking forward to see your book

  15. Very, very creative. love the colors in the fabrics. I enjoy your work.


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