Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Pink and Blue

Thank you for all your suggestion as to what I could do with my embroidered squares and all of them polite! As you have all been so kind to show an interest, so here are the next two.
The pink one is inspired by spikes of flowers and the blue one by swirls of water.
They will both get some more work - I have only just started on a yellow one - I'll post it soon. I have been doing a strand's worth of stitching at every opportunity. At the moment I am finding this very soothing - a bit like doodling - no pre-plan, just go with the flow. I am toying with the book idea and I have thought of making a hanging. Thank you for all our suggestions


  1. They are gorgeous Jill - how did you do the background colours? I have magnified the photos and it looks like some sort of dye or paint - is it? I love the idea of mixing the machine embroidery with hand embroidery - really smashing effect. I am inspired to have a go myself although my machine doesn't do embroidery. Might have to get a new one then!!!!


  2. They are so creative and such a brilliant idea and the colours are gorgeous. I should imagine it is quite therapeutic.

  3. Jane, I painted them with a mixture of acrylic inks, paint and the blue one with some Dylon fabric paint, but is so expensive I thought I would just use what I had to hand. I don't think the dye would be waterproof however.

  4. Gosh Jill, they are FABULOUS! I enlarged them so I could have a close up look - I love them!
    Do make a hanging of some kind - that would be a really great piece of art to have in your home!

  5. Gosh, they are so creative, beautiful colours, fantastic stitching. I think a wall hanging because they are just too yummy not to be on show.xx

  6. The pink one is my favourite..... just lovely.

  7. I think you're into a bit of a 'series' here Jill. I shall look forward to the yellow one as I'm sure it will match this glorious sunny weather we're having at last. My favourite is the pink piece. You have such a good idea for colour don't you? Keep them coming. Lesley

  8. i can't believe how much you manage to achieve - Iam really impressed!

  9. thank you for stopping by and your nice comment. Yes, I think I have lots I need to release in a journal and it's good to hear from you that you get a 'free' place with it.

    I love your pieces here and particularly that they fit in with the concept of not 'thinking' too much :)

    As for books and wall hangings - these sound delicious!



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