Sunday, 14 March 2010

Hello there

I hope this will be the last of my birthday for a while. Eight of us went out for a fabulous meal at the Jitlada Thai restaurant which never fails to deliver. So here I am with my very dear friends.
That is me with Elaine my dear friend of 35+ years we worked out, and Trish who also features in my New Year line-up.

This is Sally, my artist friend who is a constant inspiration and support in my artistic attempts.

Time for the  main course.
This is Tod - my husband on the left with Sally's husband Iain.

and John and Dave, who were at college with Tod - 
It was through Dave and Elaine that I met Tod so I have known them longer than him!

So the final course - that is a carved melon in the centre there.
So thank you to all my family and friends for a wonderful week.
Normal services will be resumed shortly.


  1. Thanks Jill and Tod. We had a great time and a lovely meal. I was still full this morning. LOVELY!!!!!!

  2. Jill you and your lovely friends look as if you are thoroughly enjoying the celebration!
    What a feast! Love the melon!
    Linda x

  3. Lovely to "see" you and your friends...... looks like a great time was had by all. I now want to learn to carve a melon! :O)

  4. Late congratulations, but can see you´d a great birthday! Cheers!

  5. happy birthday! celebrate as long as you want!!

  6. I'm glad you have had such agood time


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