Saturday, 6 March 2010

Flowers wot I made

This is what I have been spending my evenings doing this week. Seem to have been busy every day. Now I want to get messy - perhaps tomorrow I can get out the paint and glue.

Needle felt flower pins 
 I have been trying to make a variety of shapes and colours, embellished with a bit of embroidery and beads. This is not the best of photographs, but I really cannot be bothered to set up a photo shoot today. Do you think they work?
I have also been working on my doodle stitching

I have been helped by the arrival of my 1p book from Amazon. Even with the P&P it was still a bargain.

I have managed to do a little bit of tidying in the garden as well, but as I have a very dodgy back I have to take it very slowly, and 20 minutes is probably enough for the first few sessions. Hope you are having a great weekend.


  1. The felting is coming along nicely. I like the randomness of the doodle stitching. Jealous of your opportunity to garden. By the time autumn comes I am glad to be through with it. But now I am looking for green.

  2. Hi Jill, your flowers are pretty and nicely blended. Your doodle stitching is wonderful and I love the colours you are working with

  3. Ooh I especially like your doodle stitching. Very nice indeed :-)

  4. Jill, you are so clever. I love your brooches, particularly the orangey one with the leaf. Lovely doodle stitching too - neither things have I tried. By the way, I loved your comment about how you planted crocuses before your retirement from school. What a lovely idea.

  5. Jill,
    I really like those flowers wot you made. There's a few hours work gone into those I know. The doodle stitching looks like it has become addictive and now you have the book with over 200 stitches to practice with there will be no stopping you! Pace yourself in the garden. You don't want your back to go at the start of the season. Enjoy the rest of the sunny weekend. Lesley

  6. Loving the colours of the felted flowers, so bright and cheerful. The doodling with stitches work too. Don't overdo it in the garden, tempting though the weather is....

  7. I love all of the flowers! How big are they? They'd make wonderful "hair thingys" according to my daughter.

  8. Oh please don't remind me about the gardening... I've jobs still waiting from autumn to get done :(
    Lovely felt flowers!

  9. Hi Jill, I just found you via Dreaming of a Simple Life. I love the doodle stitching! SueXX


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