Saturday, 9 January 2010


I am feeling so totally creatively frustrated and knotted up I am not sure what to do  - I  probably need to slosh around some  paint and glue and then toss the result in the bin. I have been trying some more needle felt animals, but after my initial pleasing first attempt I am frustrated as I cannot get the shapes I want - I also need to just throw the failures in the bottom of the cupboard and stop trying to put them right - the cost of the material is minimal, but  I am finding a reluctance to let go of my failures and move on. I have been very busy on some other projects, but as these are gifts some how they have become a chore - I don't think I would be very good working on commission. Being cooped up by the weather isn't helping - I want to stretch - what do you do? It's not that I feel a creative 'block', just hemmed in.
 By the way I had these two cuties on this journal page for ages, just waiting for the right word!
Keep warm, keep smiling


  1. Oh Jill I do so know how you feel - I had a complete block and couldn't get started let alone progress with anything creative at all then I tried Marmalade Rose's idea - just stitch or in your case maybe paint or whatever for 20 minutes and it doesn't matter if you produce anything of use or not and I found it worked! I am working on a small piece of crazy patchwork instead of faffing about picking up this and that and doing nothing. Try it?


  2. Thanks Jane - you're right - too much faffing!!

  3. Oh I know exactly how you are feeling about being couped up - I have not left the house since Monday - maybe I just need a good jolt of fresh air - keep at it and keep happy...x

  4. You have cabin fever. Your attempts ate not failures. They just want to be something unique. Like you may want then to be a bear. Where they want to be a bird. Most of my digital paintings start out with a mess of color then an picture apears the more I sworal and twist the paint.

  5. I so hate it when the new ideas become chores. Hope you hang in there and break through to the next level. I think I told you to check out Linda Sue's blog.

    She is a master at needle felting. Perhaps she can give you some ideas.

  6. I think time of year has a lot to do with it and of course this year "the weather"!. Thanks for my birthday wishes, I never feel I can truly settle after Christmas until it the birthday has been and gone. I tried drawing the other day for the first time in ages and achieved nothing. Disappointing and frustrating............

  7. I agree with everyone else, it's very difficult to find your creativity when you're cooped up, cold, and not seeing other people. Love the pages, particularly the colours and stamping.

  8. Jill,
    See... you're not alone. Sounds like a few of us are in a creative slump with the enforced captivity we're subjected to at the moment. It will pass and if you keep those needlefelted creatures they will one day tell you what they want to be. If you have any odd shaped cookie cutters you can needlefelt inside of them. They give a formed shape it's quick to make something from the shape after. If you finish something, no matter how small and quick it is to do, you always feel more creative afterwards. Just a thought. Lesley.

  9. Yes I think we are all feeling the same although I am able to get out as I have to take my dogs for exercise but even that is a chore in this weather. I have even agreed to some teaching in reception this week for light relief LOL.did I really say that!!!

  10. I understand what you mean by saying you wouldn't be good working on a commission. I found I loved doing my greetings cards, until I was asked specifically, then it became a chore and not a pleasure. That's when I reverted to doing them just for my own use.


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