Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Better late

Here is my completed December calendar, I meant to post it earlier, but I definitely had some sort of bug over the weekend. I am feeling much better today, especially after a hair cut, nothing like it to lift the spirits. I know most people get this done before the holidays, but actually this was just what I needed today.
Everyone here seemed to be expecting heavy snow tonight so  Mr T and I went to Sainsbury's as we had been unable to do our shop at the weekend due to me being bluuur and Mr T being a non-driver. The shelves were empty and everyone was chatting as if we were expecting a siege. It can snow now if it likes - the larder is full and I have enough projects to keep me going (for a month)- although fingers crossed with the old sky+ box which is playing up (again) Mr T is in the middle of watching the cricket (England v SA)
( 8pm - snowing hard now)


  1. Your calendars look so much like a patchwork that I am trying to formulate an idea to do the same but in fabric .... if this snow carries on I'll have plenty of time ;-)
    Went over to Hitchin to stock up this morning so we won't starve. Hope you are feeling better .... I've got the sniffles today and had a nap when the childen had gone for a couple of hours .... not like me I never sleep during the day but feeling perkier now.

  2. Like lalabibaby I had wondered about doing the journal pages in some sort of textile creation - not sure quite how yet though. No snow here at the moment but the supermarket was empty of milk and veggies this afternoon after a panic buying spree apparently. We have enough in the freezer (who needs a freezer just at the moment?!) to keep us going so am quite looking forward to hunkering down to some creativity - haven't felt like it recently.


  3. Great detail in your December page... Snow days here so been plodding away in my craft room all day just blog hopping and crafting....Take care, Kirsti xx

  4. I am so glad you are feeling better. I love your calendar. I am starting an art sharing group at
    I would like to invite you and any one else who would like to join in. As I am sure your ideal of calendar making would be fun to share. I have just started to let people know.

  5. Nice calendar. Is it for next year? I finally had to give up and go out and buy one. Family complained when I put up May 2009 because it had the same numbers. As for a snow day---if you are prepared, just enjoy.

  6. Love this page for December, the colours are beautiful, very inspirational.

  7. What an enjoyable read........... Loved the "Let the madness that is Christmas Begin"........... made me laugh........ So much detail and such a lovely way of expressing yourself in either a simple or detailed way depending on what mood takes you on the day............ Looking forward to January's one...........

    We finally got our snow. It's looking beautiful. :O)

  8. I llove your calendar, and as I said in a comment left on an earlier post of yours yesterday, I wish, I really really wish, I could be as loose as you! And I mean that in the nicest possible way. I am too rigid, can't seem to get the loose, relaxed arty style you have and I am of the opinion I never will, that you either have it, or you don't. Mine looks so sterile.. I chose card for the days that I can't find a pen to write on so it can be read without peering closely... I seem to have no ideas at all. So annoying, frustrating and saddeningly maddening!!

  9. Hi Jill, Love your December page! The background colours are fabulous! Enjoyed reading your daily entries too! x x

  10. Fabulous calendar Jill. I did think about having a go for January but I am so rubbish at keeping anything that needs to be done on a regular basis. I like the idea of doing it in textiles too. Perhaps I'll have a re-think. I can still catch up - after all, the first seven days can all be painted white.... Lesley

  11. Hi Jill, glad you're feeling better. I love the calendar page - so much fun and lightness. I am thinking of doing one next year but just now have got to keep focussed on getting my stuff ready for assessment. It's so easy to be distracted by interesting things though....

  12. I hope you are still feeling better. I always feel better no matter what when I have had my hair cut. Your calendar page is wonderful, i love the bright colours.

  13. looks like december 9 was a toughie for you, but the rest of the month was pretty good! what a great way to preserve a little tidbit of each day!

  14. I have one of those (cricket fans). Mine is South African though and spends most of the time repeatedly telling me how many of his country are playing in the England team! I think it may be his favourite topic of conversation! My friends live just off the A3 in Hampshire - they are completely snowed in!


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