Monday, 2 November 2009

Roll over

My cat, Marvin is a rather large ginger and white cat who arrived at our home in 2005 from the local cat rescue charity.  I have always enjoyed  sketching my cats over the years so I thought I'd keep a Marvin sketchbook. He always prefers lying stretched out - I think his belly is too fat for curling up - he is on a strict diet, but it's not making any difference. You may have noticed him cropping up before. I thought I'd share these with you, I'm sure he'll crop up again.

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  1. Marvin is such a handsome cat and I really like your sketches of him. Thanks for your comment on my blog. BfN. Lesley

  2. What a handsome boy! My Thomas likes to lie with his belly showing like that and I like to think that he feels safe here otherwise he wouldn't lie in that way. They are so trusting aren't they?

    Lovely post as always.

    Jane x

  3. Marigold Jam is right......... they only behave like that when they feel totally secure...... I think Marvin is a wonderful looking cat! I have "Pickle".... Lounge Lizard EXTRAORDINAIRE..... (He is a beautiful tabby "Tom"). He is also asleep (quelle surprise!) downstairs on the settee..............


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