Friday, 13 November 2009

For Friday

It is Friday, it is dull, it is raining and I have a headache. Wanted to get something lively and interesting for the weekend but instead thought I'd share this page from June. I have been doing a lot of journal writing since then and my lettering skills have improved a lot but I was pleased with the drawing of the perennial sweet pea. These are growing in my garden, but they always remind me of my grandmother. When we stayed with my grandparents in Norfolk for out summer holidays these sweet peas would be blooming and my sister and I would always be allowed to pick as many as we liked. My grandmother would put them in old glass tumblers she had decorated with transfer prints and put them round the living room of her two-up two-down cottage. What wonderful holidays we had there - the cottage was tiny but full of 'treasures' or old 'lumber' as my grandfather would call it. Nearly all of it gone, just memories now.
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  1. What a cheering colourful post for such a grey day. The rain is beating on the windows and it isn't grey but dark outside now so a few thoughts of sunnier days are just what the doctor ordered! Hope your headache is soon better .

    Jane x

  2. Beauty of a journal page. Good you are preserving memories and in such a priceless way. Snowy and COLD in Idaho. Thanks for the bit of virtual sun.

  3. It seems this was a headache day yesterday, I was "down" too.
    Wonderful the old stories! What is a two-up-two-down-Cottage- rooms, you mean?
    Oh how I would like to browse through some of these old cottages! This would be so much fun!

  4. Lovely work as ever Jill. Have you thought of getting some of this work printed into a book - with Blurb for instance? I think it would work really well on lots of levels and would be first in the queue to buy one.

    Just a thought!

  5. I really like your summery journal page, with the sweetpea at the centre and the various paint and print effects. The whole composition works. Bfn. Lesley

  6. I just love perennial sweet peas. The yellow is a wonderful foil for them. Am also loving looking at your slide show. Hope your headache didn't last too long............

  7. Lovely sketch of the sweet pea. Funny how flowers are so redolent with memories - of where we've seen them or shared the moment of their bloom with.


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