Sunday, 20 September 2009


I created this for a challenge I saw here at the three muses. My interpretation is very different from the ones posted.  I was having a bit of a rumage after my visit to the Isle of Wight last week and turning out my pockets for beach-combings when I remembered my joy at finding a forgotten seashell in the bottom of a pocket months after a visit to the beach.  This was often the first chilly day of the autumn term when I had to wear my padded coat for the dreaded playground duty. I usually hadn't worn the coat since early summer. We have friends and family by the coast and visit throughout the year - and you should never come away from the beach without picking up a shell or a piece of beach glass or a pretty pebble so there was usually some treasure in my pocket.
So this is my inspiration. I started off by drawing round my hand a built up the image round that. I painted it in acrylic and added scanned images and magazine cuttings, adding details with ink coloured pencils and anything else that would give the effect I wanted.  I had to scour my photo magazines for a suitable urban background. I also like creating a 3D effect with the collage images. It has taken me ages to come up with suitable slogan, but I think this expresses how I feel. I hope it triggers some memories for you too.


  1. Wow, I'm so pleased you found us at the Three Muses, or we would have missed this beautiful piece of art. I love your style and am pleased to hear about what inspired you to create this. Kudos to you for a lovely piece, and I hope you will join us again next week. It makes me want to draw.

  2. Lovely work Jill. Very original, and very evocative. And it makes me think of happy days.

  3. What a great challenge and lovely interpretation of the title. I went over to the blog and my oh my..... that's going to be a lot of peeping at people's work! Love it! Thanks. x

  4. Welcome to the Three Muses, Jill. Your artwork is wonderful - and unique. I am so glad that you have found us and hope you will stay for more challenges. I love your see through pocket with its natural treasures!

  5. What a lovely story, and fabulous drawing :-) I especially like the green colour you have chosen.


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