Tuesday, 8 September 2009

Splatter patterns

Since starting to keeping an art journal and making lots of collages on a regular basis my clothes, incuding all this year's tee shirts have aquired interesting spatter patterns mainly from opening bottles of gesso and acrylic paint that have got a bit gummed up - sooooo ....
I promised myself I would always wear an apron when doing my art work - so now my clothes have a more exclusive spatter pattern- ( Pics inspired by Cathy's - hope you don't mind)
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  1. HI Jill, these are good (like your cat drawings below too) how do you, and Cathy do it, that's what I want to know? Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog. Best wishes. Lesley

  2. I drew these with 'paint' building up the basic shapes using the 'polygon' tool. My pleasure to comment.

  3. It's an occupational hazard of being an artist. I keep forgetting to put rubber gloves on when I'm dyeing or fabric painting I've had everything from blue to green fingers and every colour in between.

  4. I don't mind at all..... it made me roar with laughter....... (Yours are better than mine, damn you!). :O) x

  5. This made me roar with laughter when I saw it! Your pictures are better than mine!!! I THOUGHT I had left a message on here yesterday, but now am not so sure as it isn't here when I looked today. x


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