Sunday, 14 June 2009

OCA Landscape: Project 15

This project has to be taken over the year it is reckoned you will take to do this course. This is the same location I used for my One Acre Assignment so I visieted it frequently and it is pretty close to home.

The same view taken over four seasons:

From 'The Clappers'
Spring (April)

Panorama - July
Summer (July)

Panorama - October
Autumn (October)

Panorama - January
Winter (January)

The autumn scene is not what you expect as it doesn't show the normal autumnal colours. However I was lucky as we had a good sprinkle of snow.

View towards Harlington, from Sharpenhoe Clappers, Bedfordshire.


  1. Thanks for putting these up, it's nice to see a complete set. It will be 2010 before I have my set.

  2. Wow, what a wonderful set of photos - the changes in season here are so dramatic (compared to Australia where I'm from) - your photos are great! S

  3. Excellent series of images Jill - most impressive.

  4. A fascinating series of images. These would look lovely a a framed set on your wall...

  5. These are a really effective set of pictures - truly lovely.


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